2016-01-23 27 views



我建了一個網站早在2013即包括jQuery的(1.8)中運行的圖片庫 - 網站本身是WordPress的。

我們把網站交給客戶端,他們要管理更新等等。不用說,他們對保持WP是最新的並且幾個星期前他們從3.x更新到當前版本是不好的。有一些小小的打嗝,但都是固定的 - 或者我們認爲。上週他們注意到畫廊沒有工作。我知道超出一個疑惑,大概一年前這個工作正常 - 我爲他們移動了主機,但現在圖像交換不能使用jquery(見下面的代碼)。無可否認,在過去的18個月裏,我一直沒有使用過jQuery或WP,但是從我所能告訴的jQuery代碼是否正確。在wim上,我將WP 1.8換成了WP 2.X,但它仍然不起作用。我的直覺告訴WP更新是問題,但我不知道爲什麼。





我裝載兩個圖像版本拇指和完整大小的圖片。我在加載時使用css隱藏圖像。當用戶點擊拇指時,我使用圖像的WP ID將兩者聯繫在一起(通過將其作爲DOM id的一部分)。單擊時,wp id將被傳遞給一個函數,該函數將獲取所有全尺寸圖像細節,然後刷新主圖庫。



//main js object 
var ae = { 
    switch_photo:function(pid) // method called from jq events 
     // pid - is the wp id that is shared between the gallery images and the thumbnails 

       // is this a video or image gallery? (video galleries still work fine) 
       var gal_type = $("#gallery-main-thumbs").data("galt"); 

       if(gal_type == "image") 

        // there are two versions of each image loaded, the thumbnail and the full sized 
        // full sized images are loaded then hidden with css so the image is available to be swapped. 
        // both images have id's that include the wp post id (the pid argument) - taht is how they are kept together 
        // the var declarations below use this shared wp-id to get the attributes from the full sized image 
        var alt = $("#display_"+pid).attr("alt"); 
        var bgcolor = "#fff"; 
        var src = $("#display_"+pid).attr("src"); 
        var w = $("#display_"+pid).attr("width"); 
        var h = $("#display_"+pid).attr("height"); 

        // if the image is portrait set the bg to black for appearence's sake 
        if (parseInt(w) <= 670) 
         bgcolor = "#000"; 

       // shows the src url of the full sized which is valid. 

       // switch the bg color based upon image dimensions 
       $("#gallery-focus").css("background-color", bgcolor); 

       //swap out the main image - everything works except the src. 
       $("#main-photo").attr("src", src); 
       $("#main-photo").attr("width", w); 
       $("#main-photo").attr("height", h); 

        //video galleries - working fine. 
        var alt = $("#image_"+pid).children("img").attr("alt"); 





function disable_srcset($sources) { 
return false; 
add_filter('wp_calculate_image_srcset', 'disable_srcset'); 



如果這是您使用的是真正的代碼,第一console.log(src)之後添加;,其次你alt定義了兩次。將var alt;置於if條件之外,然後在else語句中的if和alt = $("#image_"+pid).children("img").attr("alt");中將其設置爲alt = $("#display_"+pid).attr("alt");bgcolor也是如此。而且你在對象定義ae = {...};的末尾缺少分號。

var ae = { 
    // method called from jq events 
    switch_photo: function(pid) { 
     // pid - is the wp id that is shared between the gallery images and the thumbnails 

     // is this a video or image gallery? (video galleries still work fine) 
     var gal_type = $("#gallery-main-thumbs").data("galt"); 
     var alt, bgcolor; 

     if(gal_type == "image") { 

      // there are two versions of each image loaded, the thumbnail and the full sized 
      // full sized images are loaded then hidden with css so the image is available to be swapped. 
      // both images have id's that include the wp post id (the pid argument) - taht is how they are kept together 
      // the var declarations below use this shared wp-id to get the attributes from the full sized image 
      alt = $("#display_"+pid).attr("alt"); 
      var src = $("#display_"+pid).attr("src"); 
      var w = $("#display_"+pid).attr("width"); 
      var h = $("#display_"+pid).attr("height"); 

      // if the image is portrait set the bg to black for appearence's sake 
      if (parseInt(w) <= 670) { 
       bgcolor = "#000"; 
      } else{ 
       bgcolor = "#fff"; 

      // shows the src url of the full sized which is valid. 

      // switch the bg color based upon image dimensions 
      $("#gallery-focus").css("background-color", bgcolor); 

      //swap out the main image - everything works except the src. 
      $("#main-photo").attr("src", src); 
      $("#main-photo").attr("width", w); 
      $("#main-photo").attr("height", h); 
     } else { 
      //video galleries - working fine. 
      alt = $("#image_"+pid).children("img").attr("alt"); 




我添加了演示的控制檯語句我可能忘記了冒號,其餘的是樣式問題 - 請問我是懶惰的(但是根據圖庫類型可以有多個源)。控制檯根本不會拋出任何錯誤。謝謝編輯:我看到你在WP開發工作 - 會有任何事情從3.x到4.1(js包括etc?) – 7Elm


好了很多已經從3.x更改爲4.1版本,但我不認爲任何會影響JavaScript的東西都會改變。嘗試使用純JavaScript'document.getElementById(「main-photo」)。src = src;' –


已經做到了:/沒有運氣。我想知道是否是響應式圖像srcset是問題 - 現在看看。 (這個網站在13年初建成無響應)。 – 7Elm