Declare @TableNameGoesHere Table
[No_] VarChar (30),
Description VarChar (30),
[Vendor Item No_] VarChar (30),
[Qty_ to Receive] int,
[Unit Cost (LCY)] float,
[VAT %] float
Insert into @TableNameGoesHere Values ('1x', '1or3m Ipsum', '231234sxsd', 12, 23.36, 3.3)
Insert into @TableNameGoesHere Values ('2y', '2or43 Ipsum', '23vbswsxsd', 23, 13.86, 3.3)
Insert into @TableNameGoesHere Values ('3h', '3or46 Ipsum', 'asdf757xsd', 13, 43.55, 3.3)
Insert into @TableNameGoesHere Values ('4r', '4or6m Ipsum', '908msn2341', 22, 73.12, 3.3)
No_ AS CroCode,
[Vendor Item No_] AS SupplierStockCode,
[Qty_ to Receive] AS Qty,
[Unit Cost (LCY)] AS UnitPrice,
[VAT %] AS VATPercent,
ROUND([Unit Cost (LCY)] * [Qty_ to Receive], 2) AS SubTotal,
Convert (VarChar, [VAT %] * ROUND([Unit Cost (LCY)]/100 * [Qty_ to Receive], 2) + ROUND([Unit Cost (LCY)] * [Qty_ to Receive], 2)) + ' %' AS GrandTotal