arr: .space 4
li $t0, N # (where N = number of elements in arr)
li $v0, 9 # Load system instruction to allocate dynamic memory
li $t1, 4 # 4 bytes per element
mult $t0, $t1 # Calculates how big the allocated memory has to be in bytes.
mflo $a0 # Loads this value into $a0
syscall # Allocates memory and returns address into $v0
la $s0, arr # load address of arr into $s0
sw $v0, ($s0) # Save allocated memory address into the space reserved in .text
This image顯示錯誤發生的位置和當時寄存器的狀態。我不確定它爲什麼會導致錯誤。
[00400000] 8fa40000 lw $4, 0($29) ; 183: lw $a0 0($sp) # argc
[00400004] 27a50004 addiu $5, $29, 4 ; 184: addiu $a1 $sp 4 # argv
[00400008] 24a60004 addiu $6, $5, 4 ; 185: addiu $a2 $a1 4 # envp
[0040000c] 00041080 sll $2, $4, 2 ; 186: sll $v0 $a0 2
[00400010] 00c23021 addu $6, $6, $2 ; 187: addu $a2 $a2 $v0
[00400014] 0c100009 jal 0x00400024 [main] ; 188: jal main
[00400018] 00000000 nop ; 189: nop
[0040001c] 3402000a ori $2, $0, 10 ; 191: li $v0 10
[00400020] 0000000c syscall ; 192: syscall # syscall 10 (exit)
[00400024] 34080003 ori $8, $0, 3 ; 9: li $t0, 3 # Load immediate value into register $t0
[00400028] 34020009 ori $2, $0, 9 ; 10: li $v0, 9
[0040002c] 34090004 ori $9, $0, 4 ; 11: li $t1, 4
[00400030] 01090018 mult $8, $9 ; 12: mult $t0, $t1
[00400034] 00002012 mflo $4 ; 13: mflo $a0
[00400038] 0000000c syscall ; 14: syscall
[0040003c] 3c101001 lui $16, 4097 [arr0] ; 15: la $s0, arr0
[00400040] ae020000 sw $2, 0($16) ; 16: sw $v0, ($s0)
PC = 400040
EPC = 40003c
Cause = 1c
BadVAddr = 1004002f
Status = 3000ff12
感謝您的答覆。我嘗試了你所建議的代碼,但「st」似乎不是一個有效的MIPS操作。 http://www.mips.com/media/files/MD00565-2B-MIPS32-QRC-01.01.pdf – Tagc
我嘗試使用 LA $ S0,編曲 SW $ V0,$ S0 但是這似乎並沒有改變任何事情。我已經用更多的信息更新了這個問題。 – Tagc