-E:\Work\1. Shared --Forms (shared forms across all projects) --Units (shared units/classes across all projects including 3rd party like JCL) -E:\Work\2. Company Name --Admin (stuff related with admin work like a license keys generator, Windows CGI to handle order processing automatically, all developed in Delphi) --Projects ----ProjectA -----5.x (version 5.x) ------BIN (where all the binaries for this project go) ------Build Manager (where the FinalBuilder project lives) -------Install (NSIS file that create the setup.exe) -------Protection (Project files to protect the compiled exe) -------Update (inf files related with the auto-update) ------Docs (where the readme.txt, license.txt and history.txt that are included in the setup file are) -------Defects (docs for any testing done by me or others) -------HTMLHelp (html help for the project) ------R&D (where screenshots, design ideas and other R&D stuff goes to) ------Releases (when building a release with FinalBuilder the setup file created by nsis is placed here) ------Resources (Images and other resources used by this project) ------Source (if a sub-project exists it will compile to BIN since they are all related) -------SubprojectA -------SubprojectB -------SubprojectC --Sites --- companywebsite.com (the only one at the moment but if we decide to have individual web sites for products they would all be placed on the Sites folder)
符號 「 - 」 標記目錄。
5.x的指的是5.x版我通常保留1.x,2.x的文件夾以快速訪問舊版本。 – smartins 2008-11-17 20:44:06
SVN將保留修改。他們應該在單獨的標籤/分支(國際海事組織) – Tim 2008-11-17 20:45:52