2014-04-12 51 views

enter image description here我剛剛完成通過這個帕斯卡三角項目和輸出是不正確的三角形,任何人有任何想法,爲什麼發生這種情況,間距看起來有關的路要走爲什麼它不是一個完美的三角形C++?

#include <string> 
#include <iostream> 
using namespace std; 
int factorial(int numPar); //the factorial function will recieve a number, and return that number's factorial 
int pascalNum(int rowPar, int elementPar); 
int main(){ 
    string strOutput = ""; 
    int userNum; 
    int rowCounter = 0; 
    int elementCounter = 0; 
    int columnsPerRow = 1; 
    int spaces; 
    int initialSpaces; 
    int counter = 0; 
    //get user input 
    cout << "Enter an integer from 1 to 10: "; 
    cin >> userNum; 
    while (userNum > 10 || userNum < 1){ 
     cout << "Invalid entry: " << endl; 
     cin >> userNum; 
    initialSpaces = userNum + 4; //needed to make the triangle an isoscoles, and keep it away from left 
    while ((rowCounter + 1) <= userNum){ 
     for (counter = initialSpaces; counter > 0; counter--){ 
      strOutput = strOutput + " "; 
     while (elementCounter < columnsPerRow){ 
      strOutput = strOutput + to_string(pascalNum(rowCounter, elementCounter)); 
      if (pascalNum(rowCounter, elementCounter) < 10){ 
       spaces = 3; 
      else if (pascalNum(rowCounter, elementCounter) < 100){ 
       spaces = 2; 
      else if (pascalNum(rowCounter, elementCounter) < 1000){ 
       spaces = 1; 
      while (spaces > 0){ 
       strOutput = strOutput + " "; 
       spaces = spaces - 1; 
      elementCounter = elementCounter + 1; 

     cout << strOutput << endl; 
     columnsPerRow = columnsPerRow + 1; 
     elementCounter = 0; 
     rowCounter = rowCounter + 1; 
     //initialSpaces--; //this makes there be less and less space until the triangle starts 
     strOutput = ""; 

    return 0; 
int factorial(int numPar) { 
    int counter = 1; 
    int numResult = 1; 
    int initial = numPar; 
    if (numPar > 1){ 
     while (counter <= numPar){ 
      numResult = numResult * counter; 
     return numResult; 
     return 1; 
int pascalNum(int rowPar, int elementPar){ 
    int answer; 
    answer = factorial(rowPar)/(factorial(elementPar) * factorial(rowPar - elementPar)); 
    return answer; 

如果你想描述你想要的代碼做什麼,並且具體描述它與當前的做法有什麼不同,它會幫助你得到更好的答案。 – Edward


我想要一個完美的三角形,這是有點傾斜不完美,我只是想弄清楚如何從cmd複製輸出 –


任何機會,你可以添加你當前的輸出? – Deduplicator





for(int elementCounter = 0; elementCounter < columnsPerRow; 
     elementCounter = elementCounter + 1){ 
     // Don't Repeat Yourself 
     int num = pascalNum(rowCounter, elementCounter); 
     string numStr = to_string(num); 
     if (num < 10){ 
      numStr = numStr + " "; 
     if (num < 100){ 
      numStr = string(" ") + numStr; 
     strOutput += numStr; 


    ### ### 
### ### ### 

現在看圖案,並且lo每行左側有兩個縮進空格,或總計爲2 * (9 - r),其中r0變爲9。因此解決您的外(行)循環,並擺脫initialSpaces東西:

while ((rowCounter + 1) <= userNum){ 
    for (counter = 2 * (9 - rowCounter); counter > 0; counter--){ 
     strOutput = strOutput + " "; 
    // ... continue as above ... 


