2017-04-16 35 views

我遇到部署失敗的問題,不知道爲什麼。任何幫助將不勝感激!我花了數小時試圖找出發生了什麼事情,但沒有運氣。我很確定這可能是我失蹤的一些愚蠢的東西。這很古怪。構建會成功,並將服務器。然後它崩潰了,爲什麼目前我沒有任何想法。Bluemix部署問題Node.js w/Express



    "name": "core-backend-server", 
    "version": "1.0.0", 
    "dependencies": { 
     "bcryptjs": "^2.1.0", 
     "body-parser": "^1.13.2", 
     "cors": "^2.8.1", 
     "express": "^4.13.0", 
     "express-error-middleware": "^1.3.0", 
     "express-jwt": "^3.0.1", 
     "jade": "^1.11.0", 
     "jsonwebtoken": "^5.0.2", 
     "lodash": "^3.10.0", 
     "mongodb": "^2.1.16", 
     "mongoskin": "^2.1.0", 
     "q": "^1.4.1", 
     "request": "^2.58.0", 
     "rootpath": "^0.1.2", 
     "cfenv": "1.0.x" 
    "license": "MIT", 
    "scripts": { 
     "start": "node app.js" 
    "engines": { 
     "node" : "7.8.x" 


4/16/2017 1:40:29 PM OUT APP Exit status 143 
4/16/2017 1:40:29 PM OUT CELL Exit status 0 
4/16/2017 1:40:33 PM OUT API Updated app with guid e6824266-a05f-  4f99-9ca4-69e303dfacfd ({"state"=>"STARTED"}) 
4/16/2017 1:40:33 PM OUT STG Creating container 
4/16/2017 1:40:48 PM OUT STG Successfully created container 
4/16/2017 1:40:48 PM OUT STG Downloading app package... 
4/16/2017 1:40:55 PM OUT CELL Successfully destroyed container 
4/16/2017 1:40:56 PM OUT STG Downloaded app package (44.6M) 
4/16/2017 1:40:56 PM OUT STG Downloading build artifacts cache... 
4/16/2017 1:40:57 PM OUT STG Downloaded build artifacts cache (4.1M) 
4/16/2017 1:40:57 PM OUT STG Staging... 
4/16/2017 1:41:00 PM OUT STG -------> Buildpack version 1.5.32 
4/16/2017 1:41:00 PM OUT STG -----> Creating runtime environment 
4/16/2017 1:41:00 PM OUT STG 
4/16/2017 1:41:00 PM OUT STG NPM_CONFIG_LOGLEVEL=error 
4/16/2017 1:41:00 PM OUT STG NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION=true 
4/16/2017 1:41:00 PM OUT STG NODE_VERBOSE=false 
4/16/2017 1:41:00 PM OUT STG NODE_ENV=production 
4/16/2017 1:41:00 PM OUT STG NODE_MODULES_CACHE=true 
4/16/2017 1:41:00 PM OUT STG -----> Installing binaries 
4/16/2017 1:41:00 PM OUT STG engines.node (package.json): unspecified 
4/16/2017 1:41:00 PM OUT STG engines.npm (package.json): unspecified (use default) 
4/16/2017 1:41:00 PM OUT STG Downloading and installing node 4.8.2... 
4/16/2017 1:41:03 PM OUT STG -----> Restoring cache 
4/16/2017 1:41:03 PM OUT STG Skipping cache restore (new runtime signature) 
4/16/2017 1:41:03 PM OUT STG -----> Building dependencies 
4/16/2017 1:41:03 PM OUT STG Rebuilding any native modules 
4/16/2017 1:41:06 PM OUT STG [email protected] /tmp/app/node_modules/body-parser 
4/16/2017 1:41:06 PM OUT STG [email protected] /tmp/app/node_modules/jodid25519 
4/16/2017 1:41:06 PM OUT STG [email protected] /tmp/app/node_modules/uglify-to-browserify 
4/16/2017 1:41:06 PM OUT STG Installing any new modules (package.json) 
4/16/2017 1:41:09 PM OUT STG -----> Caching build 
4/16/2017 1:41:09 PM OUT STG Clearing previous node cache 
4/16/2017 1:41:09 PM OUT STG Saving 3 cacheDirectories (default): 
4/16/2017 1:41:09 PM OUT STG - .npm (nothing to cache) 
4/16/2017 1:41:09 PM OUT STG - .cache/yarn (nothing to cache) 
4/16/2017 1:41:09 PM OUT STG - bower_components (nothing to cache) 
4/16/2017 1:41:09 PM OUT STG -----> Build succeeded! 
4/16/2017 1:41:23 PM OUT STG Exit status 0 
4/16/2017 1:41:23 PM OUT STG Staging complete 
4/16/2017 1:41:23 PM OUT STG Uploading droplet, build artifacts cache... 
4/16/2017 1:41:23 PM OUT STG Uploading build artifacts cache... 
4/16/2017 1:41:23 PM OUT STG Uploading droplet... 
4/16/2017 1:41:30 PM OUT STG Uploaded droplet (43.7M) 
4/16/2017 1:41:30 PM OUT STG Destroying container 
4/16/2017 1:41:31 PM OUT CELL Creating container 
4/16/2017 1:41:33 PM OUT CELL Successfully created container 
4/16/2017 1:41:38 PM OUT CELL Starting health monitoring of container 
4/16/2017 1:41:39 PM OUT APP Server listening on port ---- 8080 
4/16/2017 1:41:40 PM OUT CELL Container became healthy 
4/16/2017 1:43:28 PM OUT API Updated app with guid e6824266-a05f-4f99-9ca4-69e303dfacfd ({"name"=>"Speakey Pipeline", "command"=>"PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN", "buildpack"=>"https://github.com/cloudfoundry/nodejs-buildpack"}) 
4/16/2017 1:44:54 PM OUT CELL Exit status 0 
4/16/2017 1:44:54 PM OUT APP Exit status 143 
4/16/2017 1:44:54 PM OUT API Updated app with guid e6824266-a05f-4f99-9ca4-69e303dfacfd ({"state"=>"STOPPED"}) 
4/16/2017 1:44:54 PM OUT API Updated app with guid e6824266-a05f-4f99-9ca4-69e303dfacfd ({"state"=>"STARTED"}) 
4/16/2017 1:44:56 PM OUT CELL Successfully destroyed container 
4/16/2017 1:45:16 PM OUT STG Downloading app package... 
4/16/2017 1:45:25 PM OUT STG Downloaded app package (44.6M) 
4/16/2017 1:45:25 PM OUT STG Staging... 
4/16/2017 1:45:28 PM OUT STG -----> Creating runtime environment 
4/16/2017 1:45:28 PM OUT STG 
4/16/2017 1:45:28 PM OUT STG NPM_CONFIG_LOGLEVEL=error 
4/16/2017 1:45:28 PM OUT STG NODE_VERBOSE=false 
4/16/2017 1:45:28 PM OUT STG NODE_MODULES_CACHE=true 
4/16/2017 1:45:28 PM OUT STG -----> Installing binaries 
4/16/2017 1:45:28 PM OUT STG 
4/16/2017 1:45:29 PM OUT STG Downloading and installing node ... 
4/16/2017 1:45:29 PM ERR STG Unfortunately, we are either unable to resolve the dependency into 
4/16/2017 1:45:29 PM ERR STG a binary and version number or the requested version or version range is not supported. 
4/16/2017 1:45:29 PM ERR STG Please replace the URL with a valid link or the requested version/range 
4/16/2017 1:45:29 PM ERR STG with a supported version or version range. 
4/16/2017 1:45:29 PM OUT STG -----> Build failed 
4/16/2017 1:45:29 PM ERR STG Failed to compile droplet 
4/16/2017 1:45:29 PM OUT STG 
4/16/2017 1:45:29 PM OUT STG We're sorry this build is failing! You find more info about the nodejs buildpack here: 
4/16/2017 1:45:29 PM OUT STG https://docs.cloudfoundry.org/buildpacks/node/index.html 
4/16/2017 1:45:29 PM OUT STG 
4/16/2017 1:45:29 PM OUT STG 
4/16/2017 1:45:29 PM OUT STG - node_modules checked into source control 
4/16/2017 1:45:29 PM OUT STG https://blog.heroku.com/node-habits-2016#9-only-git-the-important-bits 
4/16/2017 1:45:29 PM OUT STG 
4/16/2017 1:45:29 PM OUT STG Exit status 223 
4/16/2017 1:45:29 PM ERR STG Staging failed: Exited with status 223 
4/16/2017 1:45:29 PM OUT STG Destroying container 
4/16/2017 1:45:48 PM OUT STG Successfully destroyed container 
4/16/2017 2:04:52 PM OUT API Updated app with guid e6824266-a05f-4f99-9ca4-69e303dfacfd ({"name"=>"Speakey Pipeline", "command"=>"PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN"}) 
4/16/2017 2:06:06 PM OUT API Updated app with guid e6824266-a05f-4f99-9ca4-69e303dfacfd ({"state"=>"STARTED"}) 
4/16/2017 2:06:07 PM OUT STG Creating container 
4/16/2017 2:06:20 PM OUT STG Successfully created container 
4/16/2017 2:06:20 PM OUT STG Downloading app package... 
4/16/2017 2:06:31 PM OUT STG Downloaded app package (44.6M) 
4/16/2017 2:06:31 PM OUT STG Downloading build artifacts cache... 
4/16/2017 2:06:31 PM OUT STG Downloaded build artifacts cache (258B) 
4/16/2017 2:06:31 PM OUT STG Staging... 
4/16/2017 2:06:34 PM OUT STG -------> Buildpack version 1.5.32 
4/16/2017 2:06:34 PM OUT STG -----> Creating runtime environment 
4/16/2017 2:06:34 PM OUT STG 
4/16/2017 2:06:34 PM OUT STG NPM_CONFIG_LOGLEVEL=error 
4/16/2017 2:06:34 PM OUT STG NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION=true 
4/16/2017 2:06:34 PM OUT STG NODE_VERBOSE=false 
4/16/2017 2:06:34 PM OUT STG NODE_ENV=production 
4/16/2017 2:06:34 PM OUT STG -----> Installing binaries 
4/16/2017 2:06:34 PM OUT STG engines.node (package.json): ^6.9.x 
4/16/2017 2:06:34 PM OUT STG engines.npm (package.json): ^2.1.x 
4/16/2017 2:06:34 PM OUT STG 
4/16/2017 2:06:34 PM OUT STG Downloading and installing node 6.10.2... 
4/16/2017 2:06:36 PM OUT STG Downloaded [https://buildpacks.cloudfoundry.org/dependencies/node/node-6.10.2-linux-x64-9f48b587.tgz] 
4/16/2017 2:06:57 PM OUT STG -----> Restoring cache 
4/16/2017 2:06:58 PM OUT STG Skipping cache restore (new runtime signature) 
4/16/2017 2:06:58 PM OUT STG -----> Building dependencies 
4/16/2017 2:06:58 PM OUT STG Prebuild detected (node_modules already exists) 
4/16/2017 2:06:58 PM OUT STG Rebuilding any native modules 
4/16/2017 2:07:00 PM OUT STG [email protected] /tmp/app/node_modules/body-parser 
4/16/2017 2:07:00 PM OUT STG [email protected] /tmp/app/node_modules/jsbn 
4/16/2017 2:07:00 PM OUT STG Installing any new modules (package.json) 
4/16/2017 2:07:04 PM OUT STG -----> Caching build 
4/16/2017 2:07:04 PM OUT STG Clearing previous node cache 
4/16/2017 2:07:04 PM OUT STG - .npm (nothing to cache) 
4/16/2017 2:07:04 PM OUT STG - .cache/yarn (nothing to cache) 
4/16/2017 2:07:04 PM OUT STG - bower_components (nothing to cache) 
4/16/2017 2:07:04 PM OUT STG -----> Build succeeded! 
4/16/2017 2:07:27 PM OUT STG Exit status 0 
4/16/2017 2:07:27 PM OUT STG Uploading droplet, build artifacts cache... 
4/16/2017 2:07:27 PM OUT STG Uploading build artifacts cache... 
4/16/2017 2:07:27 PM OUT STG Uploading droplet... 
4/16/2017 2:07:27 PM OUT STG Uploaded build artifacts cache (258B) 
4/16/2017 2:07:30 PM OUT STG Uploading complete 
4/16/2017 2:07:31 PM OUT STG Destroying container 
4/16/2017 2:07:31 PM OUT CELL Creating container 
4/16/2017 2:07:42 PM OUT STG Successfully destroyed container 
4/16/2017 2:07:43 PM OUT CELL Successfully created container 
4/16/2017 2:07:50 PM OUT CELL Starting health monitoring of container 
4/16/2017 2:07:51 PM OUT APP Server listening on port ---- 8080 
4/16/2017 2:07:52 PM OUT CELL Container became healthy 
4/16/2017 2:11:00 PM OUT APP Exit status 143 
4/16/2017 2:11:00 PM OUT CELL Exit status 0 
4/16/2017 2:11:00 PM OUT CELL Destroying container 
4/16/2017 2:11:00 PM OUT API Updated app with guid e6824266-a05f-4f99-9ca4-69e303dfacfd ({"state"=>"STOPPED"}) 
4/16/2017 2:11:01 PM OUT API Updated app with guid e6824266-a05f-4f99-9ca4-69e303dfacfd ({"state"=>"STARTED"}) 
4/16/2017 2:11:02 PM OUT STG Creating container 
4/16/2017 2:11:08 PM OUT CELL Successfully destroyed container 
4/16/2017 2:11:25 PM OUT STG Downloading app package... 
4/16/2017 2:11:33 PM OUT STG Downloaded app package (44.6M) 
4/16/2017 2:11:33 PM OUT STG Downloading build artifacts cache... 
4/16/2017 2:11:34 PM OUT STG Downloaded build artifacts cache (258B) 
4/16/2017 2:11:34 PM OUT STG Staging... 
4/16/2017 2:11:36 PM OUT STG -------> Buildpack version 1.5.32 
4/16/2017 2:11:36 PM OUT STG -----> Creating runtime environment 
4/16/2017 2:11:36 PM OUT STG 
4/16/2017 2:11:36 PM OUT STG NPM_CONFIG_LOGLEVEL=error 
4/16/2017 2:11:36 PM OUT STG NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION=true 
4/16/2017 2:11:36 PM OUT STG NODE_ENV=production 
4/16/2017 2:11:36 PM OUT STG -----> Installing binaries 
4/16/2017 2:11:36 PM OUT STG engines.npm (package.json): ^2.1.x 
4/16/2017 2:11:36 PM OUT STG 
4/16/2017 2:11:36 PM OUT STG Downloading and installing node 7.8.0... 
4/16/2017 2:11:39 PM OUT STG Downloading and installing npm ^2.1.x (replacing version 4.2.0)... 
4/16/2017 2:11:54 PM OUT STG -----> Restoring cache 
4/16/2017 2:11:54 PM OUT STG Skipping cache restore (new runtime signature) 
4/16/2017 2:11:54 PM OUT STG -----> Building dependencies 
4/16/2017 2:11:54 PM OUT STG Rebuilding any native modules 
4/16/2017 2:11:57 PM OUT STG [email protected] /tmp/app/node_modules/bcryptjs 
4/16/2017 2:11:57 PM OUT STG [email protected] /tmp/app/node_modules/jodid25519 
4/16/2017 2:11:57 PM OUT STG [email protected] /tmp/app/node_modules/uglify-to-browserify 
4/16/2017 2:11:57 PM OUT STG Installing any new modules (package.json) 
4/16/2017 2:12:00 PM OUT STG -----> Caching build 
4/16/2017 2:12:00 PM OUT STG Clearing previous node cache 
4/16/2017 2:12:00 PM OUT STG Saving 3 cacheDirectories (default): 
4/16/2017 2:12:00 PM OUT STG - .npm (nothing to cache) 
4/16/2017 2:12:00 PM OUT STG - .cache/yarn (nothing to cache) 
4/16/2017 2:12:00 PM OUT STG - bower_components (nothing to cache) 
4/16/2017 2:12:01 PM OUT STG -----> Build succeeded! 
4/16/2017 2:12:28 PM OUT STG Uploading droplet, build artifacts cache... 
4/16/2017 2:12:28 PM OUT STG Uploading build artifacts cache... 
4/16/2017 2:12:28 PM OUT STG Uploaded build artifacts cache (260B) 
4/16/2017 2:12:33 PM OUT STG Uploaded droplet (49.3M) 
4/16/2017 2:12:33 PM OUT STG Uploading complete 
4/16/2017 2:12:33 PM OUT STG Destroying container 
4/16/2017 2:12:34 PM OUT CELL Creating container 
4/16/2017 2:12:48 PM OUT STG Successfully destroyed container 
4/16/2017 2:12:50 PM OUT CELL Successfully created container 
4/16/2017 2:12:58 PM OUT CELL Starting health monitoring of container 
4/16/2017 2:12:59 PM OUT APP Server listening on port ---- 8080 
4/16/2017 2:25:44 PM OUT API Updated app with guid e6824266-a05f-4f99-9ca4-69e303dfacfd ({"name"=>"Speakey Pipeline", "command"=>"PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN"}) 
4/16/2017 2:27:00 PM OUT CELL Exit status 0 
4/16/2017 2:27:00 PM OUT API Updated app with guid e6824266-a05f-4f99-9ca4-69e303dfacfd ({"state"=>"STOPPED"}) 
4/16/2017 2:27:00 PM OUT APP Exit status 143 
4/16/2017 2:27:00 PM OUT CELL Destroying container 
4/16/2017 2:27:01 PM OUT API Updated app with guid e6824266-a05f-4f99-9ca4-69e303dfacfd ({"state"=>"STARTED"}) 
4/16/2017 2:27:02 PM OUT STG Creating container 
4/16/2017 2:27:12 PM OUT CELL Successfully destroyed container 
4/16/2017 2:27:18 PM OUT STG Successfully created container 
4/16/2017 2:27:18 PM OUT STG Downloading app package... 
4/16/2017 2:27:28 PM OUT STG Downloaded app package (44.3M) 
4/16/2017 2:27:28 PM OUT STG Downloading build artifacts cache... 
4/16/2017 2:27:28 PM OUT STG Downloaded build artifacts cache (260B) 
4/16/2017 2:27:28 PM OUT STG Staging... 
4/16/2017 2:27:31 PM OUT STG -------> Buildpack version 1.5.32 
4/16/2017 2:27:31 PM OUT STG -----> Creating runtime environment 
4/16/2017 2:27:31 PM OUT STG 
4/16/2017 2:27:31 PM OUT STG NPM_CONFIG_LOGLEVEL=error 
4/16/2017 2:27:31 PM OUT STG NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION=true 
4/16/2017 2:27:31 PM OUT STG NODE_VERBOSE=false 
4/16/2017 2:27:31 PM OUT STG NODE_MODULES_CACHE=true 
4/16/2017 2:27:31 PM OUT STG -----> Installing binaries 
4/16/2017 2:27:31 PM OUT STG engines.node (package.json): >=4.4.x 
4/16/2017 2:27:31 PM OUT STG 
4/16/2017 2:27:54 PM OUT STG Skipping cache restore (new runtime signature) 
4/16/2017 2:27:54 PM OUT STG -----> Building dependencies 
4/16/2017 2:27:54 PM OUT STG Prebuild detected (node_modules already exists) 
4/16/2017 2:27:54 PM OUT STG Rebuilding any native modules 
4/16/2017 2:27:57 PM OUT STG [email protected] /tmp/app/node_modules/bcryptjs 
4/16/2017 2:27:57 PM OUT STG [email protected] /tmp/app/node_modules/jodid25519 
4/16/2017 2:27:57 PM OUT STG Installing any new modules (package.json) 
4/16/2017 2:27:59 PM OUT STG -----> Caching build 
4/16/2017 2:27:59 PM OUT STG Clearing previous node cache 
4/16/2017 2:27:59 PM OUT STG Saving 3 cacheDirectories (default): 
4/16/2017 2:27:59 PM OUT STG - .npm (nothing to cache) 
4/16/2017 2:27:59 PM OUT STG - .cache/yarn (nothing to cache) 
4/16/2017 2:27:59 PM OUT STG - bower_components (nothing to cache) 
4/16/2017 2:27:59 PM OUT STG -----> Build succeeded! 
4/16/2017 2:28:24 PM OUT STG Exit status 0 
4/16/2017 2:28:24 PM OUT STG Staging complete 
4/16/2017 2:28:24 PM OUT STG Uploading droplet, build artifacts cache... 
4/16/2017 2:28:24 PM OUT STG Uploading build artifacts cache... 
4/16/2017 2:28:24 PM OUT STG Uploading droplet... 
4/16/2017 2:28:24 PM OUT STG Uploaded build artifacts cache (258B) 
4/16/2017 2:28:29 PM OUT STG Uploading complete 
4/16/2017 2:28:29 PM OUT STG Destroying container 
4/16/2017 2:28:42 PM OUT STG Successfully destroyed container 
4/16/2017 2:28:55 PM OUT APP Server listening on port ---- 8080 
4/16/2017 2:44:03 PM OUT API Updated app with guid e6824266-a05f-4f99-9ca4-69e303dfacfd ({"name"=>"Speakey Pipeline", "command"=>"PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN", "buildpack"=>"https://github.com/cloudfoundry/nodejs-buildpack"}) 
4/16/2017 2:45:18 PM OUT API Updated app with guid e6824266-a05f-4f99-9ca4-69e303dfacfd ({"state"=>"STOPPED"}) 
4/16/2017 2:45:18 PM OUT APP Exit status 143 
4/16/2017 2:45:18 PM OUT CELL Exit status 0 
4/16/2017 2:45:18 PM OUT CELL Destroying container 
4/16/2017 2:45:19 PM OUT API Updated app with guid e6824266-a05f-4f99-9ca4-69e303dfacfd ({"state"=>"STARTED"}) 
4/16/2017 2:45:29 PM OUT CELL Successfully destroyed container 
4/16/2017 2:45:39 PM OUT STG Successfully created container 
4/16/2017 2:45:39 PM OUT STG Downloading app package... 
4/16/2017 2:45:47 PM OUT STG Downloading build artifacts cache... 
4/16/2017 2:45:47 PM OUT STG Downloaded build artifacts cache (258B) 
4/16/2017 2:45:47 PM OUT STG Staging... 
4/16/2017 2:45:52 PM OUT STG -------> Buildpack version 1.5.32 
4/16/2017 2:45:52 PM OUT STG -----> Creating runtime environment 
4/16/2017 2:45:52 PM OUT STG NPM_CONFIG_LOGLEVEL=error 
4/16/2017 2:45:52 PM OUT STG NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION=true 
4/16/2017 2:45:52 PM OUT STG NODE_VERBOSE=false 
4/16/2017 2:45:52 PM OUT STG NODE_MODULES_CACHE=true 
4/16/2017 2:45:52 PM OUT STG -----> Installing binaries 
4/16/2017 2:45:52 PM OUT STG engines.node (package.json): >=4.4.x 
4/16/2017 2:45:52 PM OUT STG engines.npm (package.json): >=2.1.x 
4/16/2017 2:45:52 PM OUT STG 
4/16/2017 2:45:52 PM OUT STG Downloading and installing node 7.8.0... 
4/16/2017 2:45:54 PM OUT STG Downloaded [https://buildpacks.cloudfoundry.org/dependencies/node/node-7.8.0-linux-x64-a72100f9.tgz] 
4/16/2017 2:45:55 PM OUT STG Downloading and installing npm >=2.1.x (replacing version 4.2.0)... 
4/16/2017 2:46:15 PM OUT STG -----> Restoring cache 
4/16/2017 2:46:16 PM OUT STG Loading 3 from cacheDirectories (default): 
4/16/2017 2:46:16 PM OUT STG - .npm (not cached - skipping) 
4/16/2017 2:46:16 PM OUT STG - .cache/yarn (not cached - skipping) 
4/16/2017 2:46:16 PM OUT STG - bower_components (not cached - skipping) 
4/16/2017 2:46:16 PM OUT STG -----> Building dependencies 
4/16/2017 2:46:16 PM OUT STG Prebuild detected (node_modules already exists) 
4/16/2017 2:46:16 PM OUT STG Rebuilding any native modules 
4/16/2017 2:46:19 PM OUT STG [email protected] /tmp/app/node_modules/bcryptjs 
4/16/2017 2:46:19 PM OUT STG [email protected] /tmp/app/node_modules/uglify-to-browserify 
4/16/2017 2:46:19 PM OUT STG Installing any new modules (package.json) 
4/16/2017 2:46:21 PM OUT STG -----> Caching build 
4/16/2017 2:46:21 PM OUT STG Clearing previous node cache 
4/16/2017 2:46:21 PM OUT STG Saving 3 cacheDirectories (default): 
4/16/2017 2:46:21 PM OUT STG - .npm (nothing to cache) 
4/16/2017 2:46:21 PM OUT STG - .cache/yarn (nothing to cache) 
4/16/2017 2:46:21 PM OUT STG - bower_components (nothing to cache) 
4/16/2017 2:46:21 PM OUT STG -----> Build succeeded! 
4/16/2017 2:46:43 PM OUT STG Exit status 0 
4/16/2017 2:46:43 PM OUT STG Staging complete 
4/16/2017 2:46:43 PM OUT STG Uploading droplet, build artifacts cache... 
4/16/2017 2:46:43 PM OUT STG Uploading build artifacts cache... 
4/16/2017 2:46:43 PM OUT STG Uploading droplet... 
4/16/2017 2:46:44 PM OUT STG Uploaded build artifacts cache (256B) 
4/16/2017 2:46:51 PM OUT STG Uploaded droplet (50.2M) 
4/16/2017 2:46:51 PM OUT STG Uploading complete 
4/16/2017 2:46:51 PM OUT STG Destroying container 
4/16/2017 2:47:10 PM OUT CELL Successfully created container 
4/16/2017 2:47:17 PM OUT CELL Starting health monitoring of container 
4/16/2017 2:47:18 PM OUT APP Server listening on port ---- 8080 
4/16/2017 2:47:20 PM OUT CELL Container became healthy 

出現錯誤: 它LIK e它不使用軟件包指定的版本,然後重複嘗試一堆不同的版本。

4/16/2017 1:45:29 PM ERR STG Unfortunately, we are either unable to resolve the dependency into 
4/16/2017 1:45:29 PM ERR STG a binary and version number or the requested version or version range is not supported. 
4/16/2017 1:45:29 PM ERR STG Please replace the URL with a valid link or the requested version/range 
4/16/2017 1:45:29 PM ERR STG with a supported version or version range. 
4/16/2017 1:45:29 PM OUT STG -----> Build failed 
4/16/2017 1:45:29 PM ERR STG Failed to compile droplet 
4/16/2017 1:45:29 PM OUT STG 
4/16/2017 1:45:29 PM OUT STG We're sorry this build is failing! You find more info about the nodejs buildpack here: 
4/16/2017 1:45:29 PM OUT STG https://docs.cloudfoundry.org/buildpacks/node/index.html 
4/16/2017 1:45:29 PM OUT STG 
4/16/2017 1:45:29 PM OUT STG 
4/16/2017 1:45:29 PM OUT STG - node_modules checked into source control 
4/16/2017 1:45:29 PM OUT STG https://blog.heroku.com/node-habits-2016#9-only-git-the-important-bits 
4/16/2017 1:45:29 PM OUT STG 
4/16/2017 1:45:29 PM OUT STG Exit status 223 
4/16/2017 1:45:29 PM ERR STG Staging failed: Exited with status 223 


Done uploading 

Stopping app Speakey Pipeline in org SpeechDictation/space dev 

Starting app Speakey Pipeline in org SpeechDictation/space dev 
Creating container 
Successfully created container 
Downloading app package... 
Downloaded app package (44.3M) 
Downloading build artifacts cache... 
Downloaded build artifacts cache (262B) 
-------> Buildpack version 1.5.32 

-----> Installing binaries 
     engines.node (package.json): 7.8.x 
     engines.npm (package.json): unspecified (use default) 

     Downloading and installing node 7.8.0... 
     Downloaded [https://buildpacks.cloudfoundry.org/dependencies/node/node-7.8.0-linux-x64-a72100f9.tgz] 
-----> Restoring cache 
     Skipping cache restore (disabled by config) 
-----> Building dependencies 
     Prebuild detected (node_modules already exists) 
     Rebuilding any native modules 
     [email protected] /tmp/app/node_modules/bcryptjs 
     safe-buffer[email protected] /tmp/app/node_modules/safe-buffer 
-----> Caching build 
     Clearing previous node cache 
     Skipping cache save (disabled by config) 
-----> Build succeeded! 
Staging complete 
Uploading droplet, build artifacts cache... 
Uploading build artifacts cache... 
Uploading droplet... 
Uploaded build artifacts cache (256B) 
Uploaded droplet (49.1M) 
Uploading complete 
Destroying container 

0 of 1 instances running, 1 starting 
0 of 1 instances running, 1 starting 
0 of 1 instances running, 1 starting 
0 of 1 instances running, 1 starting 
0 of 1 instances running, 1 starting 
1 of 1 instances running 

App started 


App Speakey Pipeline was started using this command `node app.js` 

Showing health and status for app Speakey Pipeline in org SpeechDictation/space dev as 

requested state: started 
instances: 1/1 
usage: 64M x 1 instances 
urls: spekra.mybluemix.net 
last uploaded: Sun Apr 16 15:53:50 UTC 2017 
stack: cflinuxfs2 
buildpack: https://github.com/cloudfoundry/nodejs-buildpack 

    state  since     cpu memory   disk   details 
#0 running 2017-04-16 03:55:33 PM 0.0% 30.6M of 64M 284.1M of 1G 
Sending deployment success of Speakey Pipeline to IBM DevOps Services... 
IBM DevOps Services notified successfully. 

我的版本可能已經很高;所以我想這個:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38047718/ibm-bluemix-nodejs-unable-to-resolve-the-dependency-in-the-manifest –


你可以突出顯示錯誤? (可能想檢查應用程序日誌?) – majidarif


@majidarif剛剛更新了票證。有點奇怪。它就像嘗試不同的場景,它會啓動並運行,然後崩潰。 –




