我有一個FLASK APP並使用gunicorn(同步模式)作爲Web服務器。爲了異步推送信息,當gunicorn啓動時,我使用「gunicorn服務器鉤子」來啓動維護進程(multiprocessing.Process()),並使用multiprocessing.Queue()(它實際上是logging.handlers.QueueHandler(Queue)與python日誌記錄)發送消息。 但是我發現如果gunicorn工作者在「[CRITICAL] WORKER TIMEOUT」時重新啓動,維護過程將不會從隊列發送的隊列中獲取消息(隊列.qsize()不是0),並且根據日誌,消息成功排隊,但Queue.get(timeout)引發空異常),但可以從gunicorn主進程獲取消息。 我的日誌:multiprocessing.queue在gunicorn工作者超時後無法獲取數據
34 pid:24831 wechatlog : 2017-10-10 06:32:43,552 wechat_middle.py[line:34] DEBUG recive <LogRecord: wechat, 40, /www_upload/src/api_server.py, 543, "{'tag_list': 1, 'msg': 'company_test sid:8607550100000080 id: 8607550100000080 his: 1', 'lastsend': 'serial_error'}">
35 pid:23930 wechat : 2017-10-10 06:38:56,805 api_server.py[line:543] ERROR {'tag_list': 1, 'msg': 'company_test sid:8607550100000080 id: 8607550100000080 his: 1', 'lastsend': 'serial_error'}
36 pid:24831 wechatlog : 2017-10-10 06:38:56,807 wechat_middle.py[line:34] DEBUG recive <LogRecord: wechat, 40, /www_upload/src/api_server.py, 543, "{'tag_list': 1, 'msg': 'company_test sid:8607550100000080 id: 8607550100000080 his: 1', 'lastsend': 'serial_error'}">
37 pid:24887 wechat : 2017-10-10 07:07:50,904 api_server.py[line:543] ERROR {'tag_list': 1, 'msg': 'company_test sid:8607550100000080 id: 8607550100000080 his: 1', 'lastsend': 'serial_error'}
38 pid:24831 wechatlog : 2017-10-10 07:07:51,810 maintain_task.py[line:274] INFO current qsize: 1, debug_size: 0
39 pid:24831 wechatlog : 2017-10-10 07:07:55,813 maintain_task.py[line:274] INFO current qsize: 1, debug_size: 1
40 pid:24831 wechatlog : 2017-10-10 07:07:57,813 wechat_middle.py[line:25] INFO in debug mode, queue id 139972199063056, size 1
41 pid:24831 wechatlog : 2017-10-10 07:07:59,816 wechat_middle.py[line:31] ERROR in debug mode, queue get nothing.
42 pid:24831 wechatlog : 2017-10-10 07:07:59,816 maintain_task.py[line:274] INFO current qsize: 1, debug_size: 1
43 pid:24831 wechatlog : 2017-10-10 07:08:00,817 maintain_task.py[line:281] ERROR queue is empty
44 pid:24831 wechatlog : 2017-10-10 07:08:00,818 maintain_task.py[line:283] ERROR the message block the queue: None
[2017-10-10 06:41:08 +0800] [23906] [CRITICAL] WORKER TIMEOUT (pid:24838)
def wechat_push_thread(queue):
we = wechat_middler_ware(queue=queue)
wechat_log_logger = configs.make_logger_handler('wechatlog', filename='wechat')
wechat_log_logger.info(f'queue id: {id(queue)}')
debug_size = 0
while True:
except Exception as e:
# for debug
if queue.qsize() > 0:
wechat_log_logger.info(f'current qsize: {queue.qsize()}, debug_size: {debug_size}')
if debug_size == queue.qsize():
if we.debug_flag:
msg = queue.get(timeout=1)
except Empty:
msg = None
wechat_log_logger.error(f'queue is empty')
wechat_log_logger.error(f'the message block the queue: {msg}')
we.debug_flag = True
debug_size = queue.qsize()
we.debug_flag = False
debug_size = 0
# endfor debug
if quit_event.wait(timeout=2):
logger.info('wechat_push_thread clean env')
class wechat_middler_ware:
def __init__(self, queue):
self.q = queue
self.logger = configs.make_logger_handler('wechatlog', filename='wechat')
self.push_api = Push_Server(logger=self.logger)
self.debug_flag = False
def listen(self, timeout):
while True:
if self.debug_flag:
self.logger.info(f'in debug mode, queue id {id(self.q)}, size {self.q.qsize()}')
msg = self.q.get(timeout=timeout)
self.logger.debug(f'recive {msg}')
except Empty:
if self.debug_flag:
self.logger.error(f'in debug mode, queue get nothing.')
當我減小隊列大小,就像2一樣,它會引起Queue.full異常。 Queue.get()仍然爲空。 –