2016-09-07 80 views

如果(DIST [V1] +長度(V1,V2)< DIST [V2])Dijkstra算法長度<a href="http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial/computersciencetheory/dijkstra.html" rel="nofollow">this website's</a>僞

Given a graph, G, with edges E of the form (v1, v2) and vertices V, and a 
source vertex, s 

dist : array of distances from the source to each vertex 
prev : array of pointers to preceding vertices 
i : loop index 
F : list of finished vertices 
U : list or heap unfinished vertices 

/* Initialization: set every distance to INFINITY until we discover a path */ 
for i = 0 to |V| - 1 
    dist[i] = INFINITY 
    prev[i] = NULL 

/* The distance from the source to the source is defined to be zero */ 
dist[s] = 0 

/* This loop corresponds to sending out the explorers walking the paths, where 
* the step of picking "the vertex, v, with the shortest path to s" corresponds 
* to an explorer arriving at an unexplored vertex */ 

while(F is missing a vertex) 
    pick the vertex, v, in U with the shortest path to s 
    add v to F 
    for each edge of v, (v1, v2) 
     /* The next step is sometimes given the confusing name "relaxation" 
     if(dist[v1] + length(v1, v2) < dist[v2]) 
      dist[v2] = dist[v1] + length(v1, v2) 
      prev[v2] = v1 
      possibly update U, depending on implementation 
     end if 
    end for 
end while



不應該:dist [v1] < dist [v2]夠了嗎?


不變量是'dist [i]'包含來自源的'i'的最小距離。所以每當你從'i'設置'dist [j]'時,你就會感興趣'j'離源頭有多遠,那就是'dist [i] + length(i,j)' – mangusta


'dist [i ] mangusta



length(v1, v2)是從節點v1到v2的邊的權重。

