2017-02-04 38 views


std::vector< Product* > itemByColor = pF.by_color(vecProds, Color::Red); 

for(auto i : itemByColor) 
    std::cout << " product name <<" << i->name<< std::endl; 

for(auto& i : itemByColor) 
    std::cout << " product name <<" << i->name<< std::endl; 

只要你只*閱讀*的價值,不應該有一個副本,並@ sp2danny參考 – sp2danny


太大的區別:對於短小的對象,如'int's,採取參考實際上可以降低性能。 – 3442




std::vector<int> my_vector{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; 

int copy = my_vector[ 0 ]; 
int& reference = my_vector[ 0 ]; 

std::cerr << my_vector[ 0 ] << '\n'; // Outputs '1', since the copy was incremented, not the original object itself 

std::cerr << my_vector[ 0 ] << '\n'; // Outputs '2', since a reference to the original object was incremented 

// For each 'n' in 'my_vector', taken as a copy 
for(auto n : my_vector) 
    // The copy ('n') is modified, but the original remains unaffected 
    n = 123; 

// For each 'n' in 'my_vector', taken as a reference 
for(auto& n : my_vector) 
    // The original is incremented by 42, since 'n' is a reference to it 
    n += 42; 

// At this point, 'my_vector' contains '{ 44, 44, 45, 46, 47 }'