將文本複製到剪貼板並粘貼到Word中時,Adobe Acrobat中的長段落會導致換行。使用autohotkey自動加入行
爲了解決這個問題,我手動將複製的文本粘貼到記事本++>選擇全部> ctrl + J(連接線)>全選>複製......然後將其粘貼到我的Word文檔中。
Data structures with labeled axes supporting automatic or explicit data alignment.
This prevents common errors resulting from misaligned data and working with
differently-indexed data coming from different sources.
Data structures with labeled axes supporting automatic or explicit data alignment. This prevents common errors resulting from misaligned data and working with differently-indexed data coming from different sources.
找到答案在這裏:https://superuser.com/a/1109920/235752 – JinSnow