在這個程序中,我被要求創建一個名爲錢包的ArrayList,它將美國硬幣名稱作爲字符串輸入到它。然後我們被要求將每個輸入值分配給它相應的double值。所以當用戶輸入「便士」時,程序應該認識到字符串「便士」是指雙倍0.01。我在Coin課程中通過枚舉完成了這些操作。現在我的任務是在我的Purse類中創建一個新的方法,將double值相加。我已經差不多完成了,但是我已經把代碼放在了AddCoin方法中。由於我需要爲這個任務創建一個新方法,所以我想知道是否有辦法用我現在擁有的方法來完成這個任務。添加ArrayList <String>通過枚舉引用一個雙引號輸入
package purse;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* The Purse program creates an ArrayList called purse that gets printed out,
reversed, and transfered into another ArrayList called purse2.
* - ArrayList purse
* - ArrayList purse2
* - Scanner coin - the Scanner that is used to type the contents of ArrayList purse
* - Scanner coin2- the Scanner that is used to type the contents of ArrayList purse2
* - String input - contains Scanner coin and is used to fill ArrayList purse
* - String input2- contains Scanner coin2 and is used to fill ArrayList purse2
* - String end - sentinel for ending the process inputting strings into Scanner coin and Scanner coin2
public class Purse
ArrayList<String> purse = new ArrayList<>();
* fills ArrayList purse and purse2 with U.S coin names
* purse gets printed out and then again is printed in reverse
* purse2 is printed
public void addCoin()
double sum = 0.0;
String end = "done";
Scanner coin = new Scanner (System.in);
String input = " ";
System.out.println("Please put as many coins of U.S currency as you like into the purse, hit the ENTER button after each coin and, type 'done' when finished: ");
while (!input.equalsIgnoreCase ("done"))
input = coin.nextLine();
Coin c = new Coin(Coin.Value.valueOf(input));
for(int i =0; i< c.getValue();i++)
sum += c.getValue();
if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("penny")||input.equalsIgnoreCase("nickel")||input.equalsIgnoreCase("dime")||input.equalsIgnoreCase("quarter")||input.equalsIgnoreCase(end))
System.out.println("Please input a coin of U.S currency.");
@return ArrayList purse
public ArrayList<String> printPurseContents()
System.out.println("Contents of the purse: " + purse);
return purse;
/** checks whether purse2 has the same coins in the same order as purse
* @return
* @param purse2
public boolean sameContents(Purse purse2)
if (purse2.purse.equals(purse))
return true;
return false;
* checks whether purse2 has the same coins as in purse, disregarding the order
* @param purse2
* @return
public boolean sameCoins(Purse purse2)
return true;
return false;
* adds contents of purse into purse2 and clears purse of its contents
* @param purse2
public void transfer(Purse purse2)
System.out.println("The second purse now has: " + purse2.purse);
System.out.println("and the first purse has: " + purse);
package purse;
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/** private string name;
* private double value;
* sum up value method
* @author Thomas
public class Coin
public static enum Value
penny(0.01), nickel(0.05), dime(0.10), quarter(0.25), done(0);
double change;
Value(double value)
this.change = value;
private Value type;
public Coin(Value type)
this.type = type;
public double getValue()
return type.change;
public String getName()
return type.name();
當我嘗試給我們一個ArrayList然後我的返回不起作用,我不能將我的字符串輸入添加到我的數組或使用錢包。除去(結束)。我怎麼能解決這個問題,以配合你的意見? –
另外,當我把它放到我的程序中時,我被告知要初始化硬幣,程序將它設置爲迭代器硬幣。然後它抱怨說它沒有被初始化,所以它將它設置爲null。哪個不是真的有用。還有什麼可以設置的? –