2017-05-03 96 views

入門手冊:我已經瀏覽了堆棧溢出的幾個示例,許多讓我接近我需要的東西,但並不完全符合我的需要。請裸露,並且我發現無用的一件事是很多答案都拋出瞭解決方案,而沒有解釋它如何工作以及爲什麼需要零件。因此,如果答案可以包含對該查詢的解釋和分解,那將是很棒的。謝謝。SQL Server最大的每組查詢:最新日期的客戶信息


Id  Name  Account  Active 
1  Bob  ABC   True 
2  Jenny BED   True 
3  Tony  POT   False 
4  David DON   False 


OrderId  CustomerId  OrderDate  Status 
1   2    2016-04-01 3 
2   2    2016-09-05 7 
3   2    2017-02-20 5 
4   3    2015-02-20 8 
5   4    2017-04-16 3 

我需要什麼。所以我需要它具有Customer.Id表,Customer.Name,Customer.Account,Customer.Active,Order.Status並且具有最新的訂購日期狀態爲3或7. 該表應顯示Order.Status和LatestDate的所有客戶和空值,其中客戶從未訂購或訂單不符合狀態條件。見下面的例子。

CustomerId  Name  Account  Active  Status  LatestDate 
1    Bob  ABC   True  NULL  NULL 
2    Jenny BED   True  7   2016-09-05 
3    Tony  POT   False  NULL  NULL 
4    David DON   False  3   2017-04-16 





Select Distinct c.Id, c.[Name], c.Account, c.Active, o.Status, 
From Customer as c 
Left Outer Join 
(Select CustomerId, Max(OrderDate) LatestDate From [Order] Group By 
CustomerId) LatestDates On c.Id = LatestDates.CustomerId 
Left Join [Order] o on LatestDates.CustomerId = o.CustomerId and 
LatestDates.LatestDate = o.OrderDate 
Where c.Active is not null 
Order by c.Active 




使用top with tiesrow_number()

select top 1 with ties 
    c.Id, c.[Name], c.Account, c.Active, o.Status, o.OrderDate 
from Customer as c 
    left join [Order] o 
    on c.Id= o.CustomerId 
    and o.Status in (3,7) 
where c.Active is not null 
order by row_number() over (partition by c.Id order by o.OrderDate desc) 

outer apply()

    c.Id, c.[Name], c.Account, c.Active, o.Status, o.OrderDate 
from Customer as c 
    outer apply (
    select top 1 
     i.Status, i.OrderDate 
    from [Order] i 
    where i.CustomerId = c.Id 
     and i.Status in (3,7) 
    order by i.OrderDate desc 
) as o 


Select Distinct c.Id, c.[Name], c.Account, c.Active, o.Status, LatestDates.LatestDate 
From Customer as c 
    Left Outer Join (
     Select CustomerId, Max(OrderDate) as LatestDate 
     From [Order] i 
     where i.Status in (3,7) 
     Group By CustomerId 
    ) LatestDates On c.Id = LatestDates.CustomerId 
    Left Join [Order] o 
    on LatestDates.CustomerId = o.CustomerId 
    and LatestDates.LatestDate = o.OrderDate 
    and o.Status in (3,7) 
Where c.Active is not null 
Order by c.Active 



| Id | Name | Account | Active | Status | LatestDate | 
| 1 | Bob | ABC  | True | NULL | NULL  | 
| 2 | Jenny | BED  | True | 7  | 2016-09-05 | 
| 3 | Tony | POT  | False | NULL | NULL  | 
| 4 | David | DON  | False | 3  | 2017-04-16 | 

謝謝你,我用你最後一次查詢,因爲它是我自己的修改。如果你能解釋每一節,儘管確認我爲什麼需要它以及它是如何工作的理解,這將是一件好事。 – TechArch12


奇怪的是,在一個實例中,一個實現了5個狀態。你能想到爲什麼會這樣嗎? – TechArch12


@ TechArch12可能是因爲最後的加入。既然你加入了'CustomerId'和'LatestDate',如果有兩個訂單具有相同的日期,一個的狀態爲3,另一個狀態爲5,那麼你會得到兩個,因爲最終的連接不檢查'狀態'再次 - 但它可以被添加到連接標準。答案已更新。 – SqlZim



select c.*, o.status, o.latestdate 
from Customer c left join 
    (select o.*, 
      row_number() over (partition by o.customerId order by o.orderDate desc) as seqnum 
     from orders o 
    ) o 
    on o.customerId = c.customerId 
where seqnum = 1 and c.Active is not null 
order by c.Active; 

我看不到的地方,這是考慮到狀態3個7規則。 – TechArch12