2015-11-27 41 views

我正在構建一個可以玩AI的tic tac toe遊戲。在$scope.move function()中有一個while循環,它抓住一個隨機單元格並將其作爲AI的值。不知何故,這是行不通的。這裏的codepen鏈接http://codepen.io/theMugician/pen/ojJrRpJavascript TIC TAC TOE - AI不工作?

var app = angular.module("ticTacToe", []); 
app.controller("MainCtrl", function($scope){ 
    var cell = $(".square"); 
    $scope.player = ""; 
    $scope.AI = ""; 
    var cross = "×"; 
    var circle = "◯"; 

    /*** Choose a shape ***/ 
    $scope.choosePlayer = function(e) { 
    $scope.player = $(e.currentTarget).text(); 
     $('.choose').css('top', '-2000px'); 
     $('#wrapper').css('top', '-600px'); 
     $('#wrapper').css('opacity', '1'); 
    if($scope.player === "×"){ 
    $scope.AI = "◯"; 
    }else if($scope.player === "◯"){ 
    $scope.AI = "×"; 

    /*** Shape Cells ***/ 
    $scope.cells = [ { value: '' }, { value: '' }, { value: '' }, 
    { value: '' }, { value: '' }, { value: '' } , 
    { value: '' }, { value: '' }, { value: '' } 

    /*** Make a move ***/ 
    $scope.move = function(cell){ 
    cell.value = $scope.player; 
    var round = 0; 
    /*** AI makes a move ***/ 
    while(round < 1){ 
     var randomCell = $scope.cells[Math.floor((Math.random()*8)+1)]; 
     if(randomCell.value === ""){ 
     randomCell.value = $scope.AI; 
     round = 1; 
     round = 0; 



變種randomCell = $ scope.cells [Math.floor((的Math.random()* 8)+1)]; 不要以爲你想在這一個+1。對於0索引數組,您將從1到9。 –


哎呀。感謝您指出了這一點。 –




var app = angular.module("ticTacToe", []); 
app.controller("MainCtrl", function($scope){ 
    var cell = $(".square"); 
    $scope.player = ""; 
    $scope.AI = ""; 
    // changed special chars to X and O as the if statement failed. 
    var cross = "X"; 
    var circle = "O"; 

    /*** Choose a shape ***/ 
    $scope.choosePlayer = function(e) { 
    $scope.player = $(e.currentTarget).text(); 
     $('.choose').css('top', '-2000px'); 
     $('#wrapper').css('top', '-600px'); 
     $('#wrapper').css('opacity', '1'); 
    //these if statements failed before (AI was always empty) 
    if($scope.player === cross){ 
    $scope.AI = circle; 
    }else if($scope.player === circle){ 
    $scope.AI = cross; 

    /*** Shape Cells ***/ 
    $scope.cells = [ { value: '' }, { value: '' }, { value: '' }, 
    { value: '' }, { value: '' }, { value: '' } , 
    { value: '' }, { value: '' }, { value: '' } 
    // made a ref to scope cells 
    $scope.emptyCells = $scope.cells; 

    /*** Make a move ***/ 
    $scope.move = function(cell){ 
    cell.value = $scope.player; 
    var round = 0; 
    /*** AI makes a move ***/ 
    while(round < 1){ 
    // filtered to get only available cells (for performance) 
     $scope.emptyCells = $scope.cells.filter(function(cell){ 
     return cell.value === ''; 
     // got random cell according to empty cells 
     var randomCell = $scope.emptyCells[Math.floor((Math.random()*($scope.emptyCells.length-1))+1)]; 
     if(randomCell.value === ""){ 
     randomCell.value = $scope.AI; 
     round = 1; 
     round = 0; 




<button ng-click="choosePlayer($event)" class="btn btn-red" id="choose-cross">X</button> 
<button ng-click="choosePlayer($event)" class="btn btn-green" id="choose-circle">O</button> 

換句話說,您的HTML中的X和O與您在播放器功能中檢查的內容不匹配。 –




理想情況下,最好的做法是根據一箇中心參考點確定一切。所以你的HTML應該引用你的JS中的變量,或者你的JS應該引用HTML中的文本節點。這是一種稱爲DRY或Dont Repeat Yourself的軟件開發原則,基本上這意味着代碼中唯一的重複應該是對其他代碼的引用。字符串文字不應該重複。而是重複參考到該字符串文字。



var app = angular.module("ticTacToe", []); 
app.controller("MainCtrl", function($scope){ 
    var cell = $(".square"); 
    $scope.player = ""; 
    $scope.AI = ""; 
    // *** fixed unicode char 
    var cross = "✖"; 
    var circle = "◯"; 

    /*** Choose a shape ***/ 
    $scope.choosePlayer = function(e) { 
    $scope.player = $(e.currentTarget).text(); 
     $('.choose').css('top', '-2000px'); 
     $('#wrapper').css('top', '-600px'); 
     $('#wrapper').css('opacity', '1'); 
    // *** use correct unicode chars above 
    if($scope.player === cross){ 
     $scope.AI = circle; 
    }else if($scope.player === circle){ 
     $scope.AI = cross; 

    /*** Shape Cells ***/ 
    $scope.cells = [ { value: '' }, { value: '' }, { value: '' }, 
    { value: '' }, { value: '' }, { value: '' } , 
    { value: '' }, { value: '' }, { value: '' } 

    /*** Make a move ***/ 
    $scope.move = function(cell){ 
    cell.value = $scope.player; 
    var round = 0; 
    /*** AI makes a move ***/ 
    while(round < 1){ 
     // *** random select fix 
     var randomCell = $scope.cells[Math.floor((Math.random()*9))]; 
     if(randomCell.value === ""){ 
     randomCell.value = $scope.AI; 
     round = 1; 
     round = 0; 


你的代碼不會讓他如此輕鬆地完成遊戲(無限循環,或差不多) – Saar


@薩爾我不在乎他的遊戲是否完成。這個答案解決了AI沒有選擇移動這個問題,這就是所有問題。 – Shashank


你是對的,我沒有投票,只是指出它 – Saar