我想創建一個程序,它需要一個數字是輸入,例如:12345,然後將此數字拆分爲2位數字並將其存儲在數組中。數組必須如下所示:[0] = 45 [1] = 23 [2] = 1。這意味着數字的分割必須從數字的最後一位開始,而不是第一位。Array刪除一個數字的最後兩位數
var splitCount = []; // This is the array in which we store our split numbers
//Getting api results via jQuery's GET request
$.get("https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?part=statistics&id=UCJwchuXd_UWNxW-Z1Cg-liw&key=AIzaSyDUzfsMaYjn7dnGXy9ZEtQB_CuHyii4poc", function(result) {
//result is our api answer and contains the recieved data
//now we put the subscriber count into another variable (count); this is just for clarity
count = result.items[0].statistics.subscriberCount;
//While the subscriber count still has characters
while (count.length) {
splitCount.push(count.substr(0, 2)); //Push first two characters into the splitCount array from line 1
count = count.substr(2); //Remove first two characters from the count string
console.log(splitCount) //Output our splitCount array
,但這樣做的問題是,如果有,例如5個位數:12345的最後一位數字會是一個數組本身就像這樣:[0] = 12 [1] = 34 [2] = 5但是我需要最後一個數組有兩個數字,第一個應該是一個數字,而不是像這樣:[0] = 1 [ 1] = 23 [2] = 45
你嘗試過什麼?你有任何代碼告訴我們你已經做了什麼嗎? – birryree
我們是否假設輸入總是整數? – virtuexru
是的,我有這段代碼(已在上面添加) – Kenneth