2014-10-17 85 views

我正在嘗試創建一個簡單的webhook來接收Nexmo SMS服務的收貨收據。他們網站上唯一的文檔是這樣的。如何在ASP.NET MVC中創建webhook?

During account set-up, you will be asked to supply Nexmo a CallBack URL for Delivery Receipt to which we will send a delivery receipt for each of your SMS submissions. This will confirm whether your message reached the recipient's handset. The request parameters are sent via a GET (default) to your Callback URL and Nexmo will be expecting response 200 OK response, or it will keep retrying until the Delivery Receipt expires (up to 72 hours).


public ActionResult CallbackURL() 
    System.IO.StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(HttpContext.Request.InputStream); 
    string rawSendGridJSON = reader.ReadToEnd(); 
    return new HttpStatusCodeResult(200); 

通常我可以直接調用函數只是通過訪問http://localhost:6563/Home/Index/CallbackURL 所以,我插入方法簽名斷點返回看法,但它只會被調用,如果我刪除[HttpPost]從它。我應該嘗試下一步嗎?


請看看這裏的更多詳細信息: https://neelbhatt40.wordpress.com/2015/10/14/ webhooks-in-asp-net-a-visual-studio-extension/ – Neel 2015-10-16 05:09:13




然後,你也應該刪除返回HttpStatusCodeResult(200),因爲無論如何它將返回200 OK狀態代碼,如果沒有錯誤發生。


public string CallbackURL() 
     string vals = ""; 

     // get all the sent data 
     foreach (String key in Request.QueryString.AllKeys) 
      vals += key + ": " + Request.QueryString[key] + Environment.NewLine; 

     // send all received data to email or use other logging mechanism 
     // make sure you have the host correctly setup in web.config 
     SmtpClient smptClient = new SmtpClient(); 
     MailMessage mailMessage = new MailMessage(); 
     mailMessage.To.Add("[email protected]"); 
     mailMessage.From = new MailAddress("[email protected]"); 
     mailMessage.Subject = "callback received"; 
     mailMessage.Body = "Received data: " + Environment.NewLine + vals; 
     mailMessage.IsBodyHtml = false; 

     // TODO: process data (save to database?) 

     // disaplay the data (for degugging purposes only - to be removed) 
     return vals.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<br />"); 

現在的問題實際上是能夠接收來自網絡的請求。所以,說我在我的本地機器上運行我的服務器,我想調用我的CallbackURL函數,然後我可以直接將我的Web瀏覽器指向localhost:6563/Home/CallbackURL。但正如我所說,我需要它可以公開訪問,所以我使用ngrok作爲請求之間的中介。這是我現在遇到問題的地方,所以ngrok應該轉發到服務器正在運行的端口6563。但是,當我可以我的http://domain.ngrok.com/Home/CallbackURL時,我得到一個400錯誤的請求。 – 2014-10-19 16:43:33


我想爲易趣肥皂通知創建訂閱者和接收者。我想使用webhook。我可以在同一個應用程序中嗎? – coder771 2017-05-05 13:06:57