2017-04-01 197 views

我正在使用一個小的Excel-VBA GUI /窗體供用戶讀取/寫入.ini文件中的數據。 UserForm有一個MultiPage,用戶在運行時創建頁面,每個頁面將代表一個ini部分。此外,這些部分還在主節中編入索引以供進一步處理:此時,我循環瀏覽MultiPage頁面以創建此索引。問題是,用戶需要能夠改變這個索引的順序。現在,是否有可能在運行時移動多頁中的頁面?我在想什麼的效果Excel-VBA MultiPage:在運行時移動/重新排序/索引頁面?

Me.MultiPage1.Pages(i).Index = i + 1 

但顯然這是行不通的。或者,有沒有一種方法可以傳遞一個before:=或者類似於Multipage.Pages.Add的東西來解決它? 如果這些都不起作用,我想我會用MoveUp/Down按鈕創建一個單獨的ListBox控件。打開任何更好的解決方案。




enter image description here


Option Explicit 

'moves selected page to left 
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() 

    Dim pag As MSForms.Page 
    Dim lngPageCount As Long 

    ' get reference to page 
    Set pag = Me.MultiPage1.SelectedItem 
    ' get number of pages in multipage 
    lngPageCount = Me.MultiPage1.Pages.Count 
    ' check if trying to go left beyond first page and put to end 
    ' otherwise decrement pages position in multipage 
    If pag.Index = 0 Then 
     pag.Index = lngPageCount - 1 
     pag.Index = pag.Index - 1 
    End If 

    ' update caption 
    Me.Label1.Caption = pag.Name & " is at index " & pag.Index 

End Sub 

'moves selected page to right 
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() 

    Dim pag As MSForms.Page 
    Dim lngPageCount As Long 

    ' get reference to page 
    Set pag = Me.MultiPage1.SelectedItem 
    ' get number of pages in multipage 
    lngPageCount = Me.MultiPage1.Pages.Count 
    ' check if trying to go right beyond number of pages and put to start 
    ' otherwise increment pages position in multipage 
    If pag.Index = lngPageCount - 1 Then 
     pag.Index = 0 
     pag.Index = pag.Index + 1 
    End If 

    ' update caption 
    Me.Label1.Caption = pag.Name & " is at index " & pag.Index 

End Sub 

非常感謝羅賓,完美。所以Page.Index確實存在,我只需要將頁面聲明爲一個單獨的對象,對嗎?由於我的頁面是在運行時創建的,所以我不得不修改代碼並放入一個類中。我將在解決問題的過程中發佈解決方案,希望這是適當的過程。謝謝。 –


嗨,很高興它有幫助。如果您有解決問題的代碼更新,您可以發佈自己問題的答案。這可能是一個更好的選擇,而不是改變問題。 –


@RobinMackenzie不錯:) –




Public arrLeftButton() As New CButton 
Public arrRightButton() As New CButton 


Option Explicit 
Public WithEvents CopyButton As MSForms.CommandButton 
Public WithEvents DeleteButton As MSForms.CommandButton 
Public WithEvents MoveLeft As MSForms.CommandButton 
Public WithEvents MoveRight As MSForms.CommandButton 

Private Sub MoveLeft_Click() 
    Dim pag As MSForms.Page 
    Dim lngPageCount As Long 
    Set pag = UFmodproject.MultiPage1.SelectedItem 
    lngPageCount = UFmodproject.MultiPage1.Pages.Count 
    If pag.Index > 1 Then 
     pag.Index = pag.Index - 1 
    End If 
End Sub 

Private Sub MoveRight_Click() 
    Dim pag As MSForms.Page 
    Dim lngPageCount As Long 
    Set pag = UFmodproject.MultiPage1.SelectedItem 
    lngPageCount = UFmodproject.MultiPage1.Pages.Count 
    If pag.Index < lngPageCount - 1 Then 
     pag.Index = pag.Index + 1 
    End If 
End Sub 


Private Sub userform_initialize() 
    ReDim Preserve arrLeftButton(1 To 1) 
    ReDim Preserve arrRightButton(1 To 1) 
    Set arrLeftButton(1).MoveLeft = MultiPage1.Pages(1).Controls("MoveLeft1") 
    Set arrRightButton(1).MoveRight = MultiPage1.Pages(1).Controls("MoveRight1") 
    For i = 2 To GetINIString("Project", "NumberOfShipmentTypes", strINIPATH) 
     Call FormControls.CopyPage 
End Sub 


Sub CopyPage() 
    Dim l As Double, r As Double 
    Dim Ctrl As Control 
    Dim newCtrl As Object 
    Dim pCount As Long 
    pCount = UFmodproject.MultiPage1.Pages.Count 

    '[...add pages and copy all controls] 

    For Each newCtrl In UFmodproject.MultiPage1.Pages(pCount).Controls 
     If Left(newCtrl.Name, Len(newCtrl.Name) - 1) = "MoveLeft" Then 
      ReDim Preserve arrLeftButton(1 To pCount) 
      Set arrLeftButton(pCount).MoveLeft = newCtrl 
     End If 
     If Left(newCtrl.Name, Len(newCtrl.Name) - 1) = "MoveRight" Then 
      ReDim Preserve arrRightButton(1 To pCount) 
      Set arrRightButton(pCount).MoveRight = newCtrl 
     End If 
End Sub