-- Create some sample data.
declare @Today as Date = GetDate()
declare @Stuff as Table (Id Int Identity, DateAdded Date)
insert into @Stuff (DateAdded) values
(DateAdd(day, -3, @Today)),
(DateAdd(day, -2, @Today)), (DateAdd(day, -2, @Today)),
(DateAdd(day, -1, @Today)), (DateAdd(day, -1, @Today)),
(@Today), (@Today)
-- Display the test data.
select Id, DateAdded,
Id - (select Min(Id) from @Stuff where DateAdded = S.DateAdded) as DailyId,
Row_Number() over (partition by DateAdded order by Id) as AlternativeDailyId,
Convert(VarChar(8), DateAdded, 112) + '-' +
Right('000000' + Cast(Id - (select Min(Id) from @Stuff where DateAdded = S.DateAdded) as VarChar(10)), 6) as DateId
from @Stuff as S
-- Add a row.
declare @NewRows as Table (Id Int, DateAdded Date)
insert into @Stuff
output inserted.Id, inserted.DateAdded into @NewRows
values (GetDate())
-- Display the new Id.
-- Note the the Row_Number() calculation only works when all rows are counted.
select N.Id, N.DateAdded,
N.Id - (select Min(Id) from @Stuff where DateAdded = N.DateAdded) as DailyId, -- NB: References @Stuff.
Row_Number() over (partition by N.DateAdded order by N.Id) as AlternativeDailyId,
Convert(VarChar(8), N.DateAdded, 112) + '-' +
Right('000000' + Cast(Id - (select Min(Id) from @Stuff where DateAdded = N.DateAdded) as VarChar(10)), 6) as DateId
from @NewRows as N
select *
from (
select S.Id, S.DateAdded,
S.Id - (select Min(Id) from @Stuff where DateAdded = S.DateAdded) as DailyId, -- NB: References @Stuff.
Row_Number() over (partition by S.DateAdded order by S.Id) as AlternativeDailyId,
Convert(VarChar(8), S.DateAdded, 112) + '-' +
Right('000000' + Cast(Id - (select Min(Id) from @Stuff where DateAdded = S.DateAdded) as VarChar(10)), 6) as DateId
from @Stuff as S
) as X
where Id in (select Id from @NewRows)