<input type="text" id="valueList"><button type="button" id="calculate">Calculate Stats</button>
<ul id="results"><!--javascript will write items here--></ul>
var valueSum = 0;
var valueAverage = 0;
var valueMax = 0;
var valueMin = 0;
function processValues() {//listens for click event
$("#results").html("");//clears any list items from last calculation
var valueString = $("#valueList").val();
var value = $.map(valueString.split(","), Number); //this is an array
valueCount = value.length; //get the lenght of the array (number of values)
//Use a loop (or loops) here to help calculate the sum, average, max, and min of the values
$("#results").append("<li>The values entered: " + valueString + ".</li>");//appends values
$("#results").append("<li>There are " + valueCount + " values.</li>");//appends value count
//need to append Sum, average, max, and min to bullet list here
//clears text field for next set of values to be entered
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