//create the pattern for the regex
String VSANMatchString = @"vsan\s(?<number>\d+)[:\s](?<info>.+)\n(\s+name:(?<name>.+)\s+state:(?<state>.+)\s+\n\s+interoperability mode:(?<mode>.+)\s\n\s+loadbalancing:(?<loadbal>.+)\s\n\s+operational state:(?<opstate>.+)\s\n)?";
//set up the patch
MatchCollection VSANInfoList = Regex.Matches(block, VSANMatchString);
// set up the keyword matches
Regex VSANNum = new Regex(@" \d* ");
Regex VSANName = new Regex(@"name:\S*");
Regex VSANState = new Regex(@"operational state\S*");
//now we can extract what we need since we know all the VSAN info will be matched to the correct VSAN
//match each keyword (name, state, etc), then split and extract the value
foreach (Match m in VSANInfoList)
string num=String.Empty;
string name=String.Empty;
string state=String.Empty;
string s = m.ToString();
if (VSANNum.IsMatch(s)) { num=VSANNum.Match(s).ToString().Trim(); }
if (VSANName.IsMatch(s))
string totrim = VSANName.Match(s).ToString().Trim();
string[] strsplit = Regex.Split (totrim, "name:");
if (VSANState.IsMatch(s))
string totrim = VSANState.Match(s).ToString().Trim();
string[] strsplit=Regex.Split (totrim, "state:");
你能提供一些樣本輸入和期望的輸出嗎? – Jay