查看發佈的數據(水,小麥...)後,一個問題將區分/分離每個單獨的項目:1水,2 Bulgar ..,3變甜。
從您提供的數據中,我會考慮更改其格式以適應這種情況。一個簡單的改變是將子組之間的逗號分隔符改爲別的......破折號「 - 」可能會起作用。
下面的正則表達式代碼就是這樣做的。這基本上將每個逗號「,」在一個打開和關閉括號之間「()」改爲一個短劃線「 - 」。這將允許逗號分割來識別每個項目。
private static string ReplaceCommaBetweenParens(string inString) {
string pattern = @"(?<=\([^\)]*)+,(?!\()(?=[^\(]*\))";
return Regex.Replace(inString, pattern, "-");
上面的代碼是不漂亮,我從別的地方得到這個代碼,並希望我能現場原作者。我歡迎所有Regex愛好者對這種模式進行評論。我不知道如何使用常規字符串方法(split/indexof)來完成此操作。我相信這需要幾個步驟。 Regex在某些情況下有多有用的一個很好的例子。它可能很難看,但它的運作速度非常快。幸運的是,上述隱藏代碼(Regex)在這一步之後不會有太大的幫助。
class Ingredient {
int ID { get; set; }
string Name { get; set; }
string Percent { get; set; }
List<string> Ingredients { get; set; }
public Ingredient(int id, string name, string pct, List<string> ingredients) {
ID = id;
Name = name;
Percent = pct;
Ingredients = ingredients;
public override string ToString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append(ID + "\t" + Name + " " + Percent + Environment.NewLine);
foreach (string s in Ingredients) {
sb.Append("\t\t" + s + Environment.NewLine);
return sb.ToString();
static string ingredients = "Water, Bulgur Wheat(29%), Sweetened Dried Cranberries(5%) (Sugar, Cranberries)," +
" Sunflower Seeds(3%), Onion(3%), Green Lentils(2%), Palm Oil, Flavourings (contain Barley)," +
" Lemon Juice Powder(<2%) (Maltodextrin, Lemon Juice Concentrate)," +
" Ground Spices(<2%) (Paprika, Black Pepper, Cinnamon, Coriander, Cumin, Chilli Powder, Cardamom, Pimento, Ginger)," +
" Dried Herbs(<2%) (Coriander, Parsley, Mint), Dried Garlic(<2%), Salt, Maltodextrin, Onion Powder(<2%)," +
" Cumin Seeds, Dried Lemon Peel(<2%), Acid(Citric Acid)";
static List<Ingredient> allIngredients;
static void Main(string[] args) {
allIngredients = ParseString(ingredients);
foreach (Ingredient curIngredient in allIngredients) {
private static List<Ingredient> ParseString(string inString) {
List<Ingredient> allIngredients = new List<Ingredient>();
string temp = ReplaceCommaBetweenParens(ingredients);
string[] allItems = temp.Split(',');
int count = 1;
foreach (string curItem in allItems) {
if (curItem.Contains("(")) {
allIngredients.Add(ParseItem(curItem, count));
else {
allIngredients.Add(new Ingredient(count, curItem.Trim(), "", new List<string>()));
//Console.WriteLine(count + "\t" + curItem.Trim());
return allIngredients;
private static Ingredient ParseItem(string item, int count) {
string pct = "";
List<string> items = new List<string>();
int firstParenIndex = item.IndexOf("(");
//Console.Write(count + "\t" + item.Substring(0, firstParenIndex).Trim());
Regex expression = new Regex(@"\((.*?)\)");
MatchCollection matches = expression.Matches(item);
bool percentPresent = true;
foreach (Match match in matches) {
if (match.ToString().Contains("%")) { // <-- if the string between parenthesis does not contain "%" - move to next line, otherwise print on same line
//Console.WriteLine(" " + match.ToString().Trim());
pct = match.ToString().Trim();
percentPresent = false;
else {
if (percentPresent) {
items = GetLastItems(match.ToString().Trim());
return new Ingredient(count, item.Substring(0, firstParenIndex).Trim(), pct, items);
private static List<string> GetLastItems(string inString) {
List<string> result = new List<string>();
string temp = inString.Replace("(", "");
temp = temp.Replace(")", "");
string[] allItems = temp.Split('-');
foreach (string curItem in allItems) {
//Console.WriteLine("\t\t" + curItem.Trim());
return result;
private static string ReplaceCommaBetweenParens(string inString) {
string pattern = @"(?<=\([^\)]*)+,(?!\()(?=[^\(]*\))";
return Regex.Replace(inString, pattern, "-");
@Anand:感謝您的答覆。我用圓括號替換了所有括號,並以樹形結構對它進行了分解 – Supreet
我的評論的最後部分仍未得到答覆。有什麼期望呢?假設你將這個字符串傳遞給一個函數,你期待什麼? – A3006
@Anand:請找到預期的輸出 – Supreet