2010-07-23 49 views



您可以使用Authkit(http://authkit.org)和 「授權」 裝飾:

from authkit.authorize.pylons_adaptors import authorize 
from authkit.permissions import RemoteUser 

class MainController(BaseController): 

    def index(self): 

您可以編寫自己的權限類,恩。 (這是一些舊項目的一部分,請檢查它是否要使用它):

class HasPerm(RequestPermission): 
    def __init__(self, perms, all=False, error=None): 
     if isinstance(perms, str): 
      perms = [perms] 
     self.all = all 
     self.perms = perms 
     self.error = error 
     self.full_access = "ADMIN" 

    def check(self, app, environ, start_response): 
     if not environ.has_key('REMOTE_USER'): 
      if self.error: 
       raise self.error 
      raise NotAuthenticatedError('Not authenticated') 

     user = Session.query(User) 
     user = user.filter_by(name=environ['REMOTE_USER']).first() 

     if not user: 
      raise NotAuthorizedError('No such user') 
     if user.blocked: 
      raise NotAuthorizedError('User blocked') 

     user_perms = [x.name for x in user.permissions] 

     if self.full_access in user_perms: 
      return app(environ, start_response) 

     for p in self.perms: 
      checked_perm = model.Permission.get_by(name=p) 
      if not checked_perm: 
       raise NotAuthorizedError("There is no permission") 

      if checked_perm.name in user_perms and not self.all: 
       return app(environ, start_response) 

      if checked_perm.name not in user_perms and self.all: 
       raise NotAuthorizedError("User has no permission") 
     raise NotAuthorizedError("User has no permission") 