function scroll(timestamp, distanceToScroll, secondsToScroll) {
//delta = how many milliseconds have passed between this and last draw
if (!lastDraw) {var lastDraw = timestamp;};
delta = (0.5 + (timestamp - lastDraw)) << 0; //bitwise hack for rounding integers
lastDraw = timestamp;
//speed (pixels per millisecond) = amount of pixels to move/length of animation (in milliseconds)
speed = distanceToScroll/secondsToScroll;
//new position = current position + (speed * delta)
position += (speed * delta);
context.drawImage(myImage,0,position,50,50/*of 200*/,0,0,100,100);
requestAnimationFrame(scroll(timestamp, distanceToScroll, secondsToScroll));
scroll(timestamp, 100, 5)
scroll(timestamp, 10, 20)
從我所能掌握的有限知識來看,我認爲解決方案在於.call()/。apply()或者通過傳遞一個包含滾動到其中的匿名函數給rAF,但是我可以'如果我這樣做,就可以繞過我的頭部來訪問RAF的時間戳。 – Danneh