2017-07-28 82 views

我有一個包含超過100個工作表的Excel工作表,所有這些工作表都有不同的結構(某些列在所有這些工作表中,但有些不在)。有沒有簡單的方法來合併他們共同的列的工作表?Excel - 合併不同結構的工作表



看看其中一個鏈接將幫助您:1。https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4480227/how-to-consolidate-data-from-multiple-excel-columns -all-into-one-column 2. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22648906/combine-worksheets-and-add-column-in-excel 3. https://danwagner.co/how-to-combine -data-with-different-columns-on-multiple-sheets-into-a-sheet- –


也許是一種低技術方法:https://support.office.com/zh-cn/article/Consolidate-data-入多工作表,007ce8f4-2fae-4fea-9ee5-a0b2c9e36d9b –




  • 打開VBA編輯器窗口
  • 單擊從文件菜單中的「工具」
  • 從工具菜單中
  • 向下滾動,直到找到「參考」 「Microsoft腳本運行時」
  • 選中「Microsoft腳本運行時」旁邊的框
  • 單擊確定

然後粘貼到一個Excel VBA模塊:

Option Explicit 
    Public Sub CombineSheetsWithDifferentHeaders() 

     Dim wksDst As Worksheet, wksSrc As Worksheet 
     Dim lngIdx As Long, lngLastSrcColNum As Long, _ 
      lngFinalHeadersCounter As Long, lngFinalHeadersSize As Long, _ 
      lngLastSrcRowNum As Long, lngLastDstRowNum As Long 
     Dim strColHeader As String 
     Dim varColHeader As Variant 
     Dim rngDst As Range, rngSrc As Range 
     Dim dicFinalHeaders As Scripting.Dictionary 
     Set dicFinalHeaders = New Scripting.Dictionary 

     'Set references up-front 
     dicFinalHeaders.CompareMode = vbTextCompare 
     lngFinalHeadersCounter = 1 
     lngFinalHeadersSize = dicFinalHeaders.Count 
     Set wksDst = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add 

     'Start Phase 1: Prepare Final Headers and Destination worksheet' 

     'First, we loop through all of the data worksheets, 
     'building our Final Headers dictionary 
     For Each wksSrc In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets 

      'Make sure we skip the Destination worksheet! 
      If wksSrc.Name <> wksDst.Name Then 

       With wksSrc 

        'Loop through all of the headers on this sheet, 
        'adding them to the Final Headers dictionary 
        lngLastSrcColNum = LastOccupiedColNum(wksSrc) 
        For lngIdx = 1 To lngLastSrcColNum 

         'If this column header does NOT already exist in the Final 
         'Headers dictionary, add it and increment the column number 
         strColHeader = Trim(CStr(.Cells(1, lngIdx))) 
         If Not dicFinalHeaders.Exists(strColHeader) Then 
          dicFinalHeaders.Add Key:=strColHeader, _ 
          lngFinalHeadersCounter = lngFinalHeadersCounter + 1 
         End If 

        Next lngIdx 

       End With 

      End If 

     Next wksSrc 

     'Wahoo! The Final Headers dictionary now contains every column 
     'header name from the worksheets. Let's write these values into 
     'the Destination worksheet and finish Phase 1 
     For Each varColHeader In dicFinalHeaders.Keys 
      wksDst.Cells(1, dicFinalHeaders(varColHeader)) = CStr(varColHeader) 
     Next varColHeader 

     'End Phase 1: Final Headers are ready to rock!' 

     'Start Phase 2: write the data from each worksheet to the Destination!' 

     'We begin just like Phase 1 -- by looping through each sheet 
     For Each wksSrc In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets 

      'Once again, make sure we skip the Destination worksheet! 
      If wksSrc.Name <> wksDst.Name Then 

       With wksSrc 

        'Identify the last row and column on this sheet 
        'so we know when to stop looping through the data 
        lngLastSrcRowNum = LastOccupiedRowNum(wksSrc) 
        lngLastSrcColNum = LastOccupiedColNum(wksSrc) 

        'Identify the last row of the Destination sheet 
        'so we know where to (eventually) paste the data 
        lngLastDstRowNum = LastOccupiedRowNum(wksDst) 

        'Loop through the headers on this sheet, looking up 
        'the appropriate Destination column from the Final 
        'Headers dictionary and creating ranges on the fly 
        For lngIdx = 1 To lngLastSrcColNum 
         strColHeader = Trim(CStr(.Cells(1, lngIdx))) 

         'Set the Destination target range using the 
         'looked up value from the Final Headers dictionary 
         Set rngDst = wksDst.Cells(lngLastDstRowNum + 1, _ 

         'Set the source target range using the current 
         'column number and the last-occupied row 
         Set rngSrc = .Range(.Cells(2, lngIdx), _ 
              .Cells(lngLastSrcRowNum, lngIdx)) 

         'Copy the data from this sheet to the destination! 
         rngSrc.Copy Destination:=rngDst 

        Next lngIdx 

       End With 

      End If 

     Next wksSrc 

     'Yay! Let the user know that the data has been combined 
     MsgBox "Data combined!" 

    End Sub 

    'INPUT  : Sheet, the worksheet we'll search to find the last row 
    'OUTPUT  : Long, the last occupied row 
    'SPECIAL CASE: if Sheet is empty, return 1 
    Public Function LastOccupiedRowNum(Sheet As Worksheet) As Long 
     Dim lng As Long 
     If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sheet.Cells) <> 0 Then 
      With Sheet 
       lng = .Cells.Find(What:="*", _ 
            After:=.Range("A1"), _ 
            Lookat:=xlPart, _ 
            LookIn:=xlFormulas, _ 
            SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _ 
            SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, _ 
      End With 
      lng = 1 
     End If 
     LastOccupiedRowNum = lng 
    End Function 

    'INPUT  : Sheet, the worksheet we'll search to find the last column 
    'OUTPUT  : Long, the last occupied column 
    'SPECIAL CASE: if Sheet is empty, return 1 
    Public Function LastOccupiedColNum(Sheet As Worksheet) As Long 
     Dim lng As Long 
     If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sheet.Cells) <> 0 Then 
      With Sheet 
       lng = .Cells.Find(What:="*", _ 
            After:=.Range("A1"), _ 
            Lookat:=xlPart, _ 
            LookIn:=xlFormulas, _ 
            SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, _ 
            SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, _ 
      End With 
      lng = 1 
     End If 
     LastOccupiedColNum = lng 
    End Function 
