2017-02-27 28 views




Sub CopyRowsWithNumbersInB() 
Dim X As Long 
Dim LastRow As Long 
Dim Source As Worksheet 
Dim Destination As Worksheet 
Dim RowsWithNumbers As Range 
Set Source = Worksheets("Sheet1") 
Set Destination = Worksheets("Sheet2") 

With Source 
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row 
For X = 1 To LastRow 
If _ 
    (IsNumeric(.Cells(X, "C").Value) And .Cells(X, "C").Value < "2530" And IsNumeric(.Cells(X, "O").Value) And .Cells(X, "O").Value > "0") Or (_ 
    IsNumeric(.Cells(X, "D").Value) And .Cells(X, "D").Value < "2530" And IsNumeric(.Cells(X, "P").Value) And .Cells(X, "P").Value > "0") Or (_ 
    IsNumeric(.Cells(X, "E").Value) And .Cells(X, "E").Value < "2530" And IsNumeric(.Cells(X, "Q").Value) And .Cells(X, "Q").Value > "0") Or (_ 
    IsNumeric(.Cells(X, "F").Value) And .Cells(X, "F").Value < "2530" And IsNumeric(.Cells(X, "R").Value) And .Cells(X, "R").Value > "0") Or (_ 
    IsNumeric(.Cells(X, "G").Value) And .Cells(X, "G").Value < "2530" And IsNumeric(.Cells(X, "S").Value) And .Cells(X, "S").Value > "0") Or (_ 
    IsNumeric(.Cells(X, "H").Value) And .Cells(X, "H").Value < "2530" And IsNumeric(.Cells(X, "T").Value) And .Cells(X, "T").Value > "0") Or (_ 
    IsNumeric(.Cells(X, "I").Value) And .Cells(X, "I").Value < "2530" And IsNumeric(.Cells(X, "U").Value) And .Cells(X, "U").Value > "0") Or (_ 
    IsNumeric(.Cells(X, "J").Value) And .Cells(X, "J").Value < "2530" And IsNumeric(.Cells(X, "V").Value) And .Cells(X, "V").Value > "0") Or (_ 
    IsNumeric(.Cells(X, "K").Value) And .Cells(X, "K").Value < "2530" And IsNumeric(.Cells(X, "W").Value) And .Cells(X, "W").Value > "0") Or (_ 
    IsNumeric(.Cells(X, "L").Value) And .Cells(X, "L").Value < "2530" And IsNumeric(.Cells(X, "X").Value) And .Cells(X, "X").Value > "0") Or (_ 
    IsNumeric(.Cells(X, "M").Value) And .Cells(X, "M").Value < "2530" And IsNumeric(.Cells(X, "Y").Value) And .Cells(X, "Y").Value > "0") Or (_ 
    IsNumeric(.Cells(X, "N").Value) And .Cells(X, "N").Value < "2530" And IsNumeric(.Cells(X, "Z").Value) And .Cells(X, "Z").Value > "0") Then 

    If RowsWithNumbers Is Nothing Then 
     Set RowsWithNumbers = .Cells(X, "C") 
     Set RowsWithNumbers = Union(RowsWithNumbers, .Cells(X, "C")) 
    End If 
End If 
If Not RowsWithNumbers Is Nothing Then 
    RowsWithNumbers.EntireRow.Copy Destination.Range("A1") 
End If 
End With 
End Sub 

鑑於你的數據集的大小,我會考慮拋出到這個數據庫中,如SQL Server。如果不可能,請考慮使用ADODB從工作表中使用SQL查詢數據。見:https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee692882.aspx –


是的,我認爲這將需要完成。謝謝。 –


'如果'不在VBA中短路。每一次,你在循環中執行的每一個36個單元格中的每一個都將執行該巨集。隨着24個'IsNumeric'調用中的每一個調用,數字值的24個「字符串」比較中的每一個,36個「和」比較中的每一個,以及11個「或」比較中的每一個。這是*** ***你的表現。 – Comintern




Option Explicit 

Sub main() 
    Dim iColumn As Long 
    Dim RowsWithNumbers As Range 

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False 
    iColumn = 1 
    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("SheetData") '<--| reference your sheet name 
     With .Range("Z1", .cells(.Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp)) '<--| reference its column C:Z range from row 1 (header) down to the last column C not empty row 
      Set RowsWithNumbers = .Offset(, .Columns.Count).Resize(1, 1) '<--| add a "dummy" cell to avoid 'If Not RowsWithNumbers Is Nothing' check (the "dummy" cell will be eventually removed) 
       .AutoFilter Field:=iColumn, Criteria1:="<2530" '<--| filter 'iColumn' column with numbers < 2530 
       .AutoFilter Field:=iColumn + 12, Criteria1:=">0" '<--| filter 'iColumn+12' column with numbers >0 
       If Application.WorksheetFunction.Subtotal(103, .Resize(, 1)) > 1 Then Set RowsWithNumbers = Union(RowsWithNumbers, .Resize(.Rows.Count - 1, 1).Offset(1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)) 
       iColumn = iColumn + 1 
      Loop While iColumn <= 12 
     End With 
     .AutoFilterMode = False '<--| remove autofilter 
     Set RowsWithNumbers = Intersect(RowsWithNumbers, .cells) '<--| remove "dummy" cell 
     If Not RowsWithNumbers Is Nothing Then Intersect(RowsWithNumbers.EntireRow, .cells).Copy Worksheets("Destination").Range("A1") 
    End With 
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True 
End Sub 

謝謝@ user3598756。這加快了任務。 –


不客氣。然後,您可能想要將答案標記爲已接受。謝謝! – user3598756


@DrewD,你介意給予反饋。謝謝 – user3598756