2013-12-08 57 views



puts "What's your annual income?" 
annual_income = gets.to_i 

weeks = 52.1775 
monthly_income = ((annual_income/weeks) * 2) 
weekly_income = (annual_income/weeks) 
needs = 0.5 
wants = 0.3 
save = 0.2 

def calc_amount(income, expense) 
    sprintf('%.2f',(income * expense)) 

# Monthly 
fifty_percent_monthly = calc_amount(monthly_income, needs) 
puts "You should spend no more than $#{fifty_percent_monthly} on 'Needs' a month." 

thirty_percent_monthly = calc_amount(monthly_income, wants) 
puts "You should spend no more than $#{thirty_percent_monthly} on 'Wants' a month." 

twenty_percent_monthly = calc_amount(monthly_income, save) 
puts "You should save $#{twenty_percent_monthly} a month." 

# Each paycheck 
fifty_percent_weekly = calc_amount(weekly_income, needs) 
puts "You should spend no more than $#{fifty_percent_weekly} on 'Needs' each paycheck." 

thirty_percent_weekly = calc_amount(weekly_income, wants) 
puts "You should spend no more than $#{thirty_percent_weekly} on 'Wants' each paycheck." 

twenty_percent_weekly = calc_amount(weekly_income, save) 
puts "You should save $#{twenty_percent_weekly} each paycheck." 

# Total spent each year 
yearly_needs = calc_amount(annual_income, needs) 
puts "You'll be spending $#{yearly_needs} on 'Needs' each year." 

yearly_wants = calc_amount(annual_income, wants) 
puts "You'll be spending $#{yearly_wants} on 'Wants' each year." 

yearly_savings = calc_amount(annual_income, save 
puts "Congrats! Your total savings each year will be $#{yearly_savings}" 

這個問題更好的地方可能是[代碼評論](http://codereview.stackexchange.com)。 –


Alrighty!謝謝。我一定會在下一次發佈。 –


這個問題似乎是離題,因爲它似乎屬於codereview.stackexchange.com – kero




puts "What's your annual income?" 
annual_income = gets.to_i 

budget = { 
    :needs => 0.5, 
    :wants => 0.3, 
    :save => 0.2, 

periods = { 
    'weekly' => 52.1775, 
    'monthly' => 12, 
    'yearly' => 1, 

periods.each do |period_name, periods_per_year| 
    budget.each do |line_item_name, line_item_fraction| 
    amount = annual_income.to_f/periods_per_year * line_item_fraction 
    puts "You should spend %0.2f on '%s' %s" % [amount, line_item_name, period_name] 


You should spend 9.58 on 'needs' weekly 
You should spend 5.75 on 'wants' weekly 
You should spend 3.83 on 'save' weekly 
You should spend 41.67 on 'needs' monthly 
You should spend 25.00 on 'wants' monthly 
You should spend 16.67 on 'save' monthly 
You should spend 500.00 on 'needs' yearly 
You should spend 300.00 on 'wants' yearly 
You should spend 200.00 on 'save' yearly 

完美!這足以讓我使用它如何工作的想法。 –


+1,很好地完成。除了優秀的重構之外,使用String的'%'代替傳統的'sprintf'是慣用的Ruby。我看到你錯過的唯一的東西是在值前面使用美元符號,但是可以將其分配給常量,然後替換爲格式字符串,從而允許代碼適用於任何貨幣並進行小小的調整。 –