我正在編寫一個簡單的窗體來編輯客戶的屬性(使用Rails 3.1和Ruby 1.9.3)。控制器代碼:nil不是form_for的符號
def edit
cust_id = params[:cust_id]
output_id = params[:output_id]
@cust = CustOutput.find(:all, :conditions => {:cust_id => cust_id, :output_id => output_id })
<h2> Editing customer <%[email protected][0].cust_id %> with output id <%[email protected][0].output_id %></h2>
<%= form_for @cust[0] do |cust| %>
<%= render "shared/error_messages", :target => @cust[0] %>
<div id='id' class='outerDiv'>
<%= cust.text_field :cust_id, :size => 20 %>
<div id='email1' class='outerDiv'>
<label for='email1'>Email Part1</label>
<%= cust.text_field :email_part1, :size => 20 %>
<div id='email2' class='outerDiv'>
<label for='email2'>Email Part 2</label>
<%= cust.text_field :email_part2, :size => 20 %>
<div id='dt' class='outerDiv'>
<label for='dt'>Delivery Type</label>
<%= cust.text_field :delivery_type, :size => 20 %>
<%= cust.submit "Save" %>
<span class="cancel"><%= link_to "Cancel", :action=>"load", :cust_name=>"#{@cust[0].cust_id}" %>
<% end %>
我從開口編輯頁面得到的錯誤消息(HTTP://本地主機:3000 /編輯的cust_id = 2 & output_id = 6?) :
nil is not a symbol
Extracted source (around line #3):
1: <h2> Editing customer <%[email protected][0].cust_id %> with output id <%[email protected][0].output_id %></h2>
2: <div>
3: <%= form_for @cust[0] do |cust| %>
4: <%= render "shared/error_messages", :target => @cust[0] %>
5: <div id='id' class='outerDiv'>
6: <%= cust.text_field :cust_id, :size => 20 %>
首先要檢查@cust [0]是否是一個無對象。在軌控制檯我檢查(使用提供的CUST_ID和output_id)
@cust = CustOutput.find(:all, :conditions => {:cust_id => 2, :output_id => 6 })
CustOutput Load (0.7ms) SELECT "cust_outputs".* FROM "cust_outputs" WHERE "cust_outputs"."cust_id" = 22 AND "cust_outputs"."output_id" = 6
=> [#<custOutput cust_id: 2, output_id: 6, email_part1: "[email protected]", email_part2: nil, delivery_type: "ftp">]
是的,我試過了。它根本不會改變結果。 – swingfuture 2012-03-05 21:16:03