Public Function GetReport(ByVal district As String, ByVal hub As String, ByVal dateFrom As Date, ByVal dateTo As Date, ByVal response As HttpResponse) As String
Dim msg As String = String.Empty
Dim rs As New ReportingService
_dt = _dal.GetData(district, hub, dateFrom, dateTo)
If _dt.Rows.Count <= 0 Then
msg = "There were no records found for the selected criteria."
ElseIf _dt.Rows.Count + 1 > 65536 Then
msg = "Too many rows - Export to Excel not possible."
rs.Export(_dt, "AcceptanceOfOffer", response)
End If
Return msg
End Function
'''A test for GetReport
<TestMethod()> _
Public Sub GetReportTest()
'Create a fake object
Dim mock = New Mock(Of IAcceptanceOfferDAL)
'Create the real data to be returned by the fake
Dim returnDt As DataTable = New DataTable()
returnDt.Columns.Add("District", Type.GetType("System.String"))
returnDt.Columns.Add("Hub", Type.GetType("System.String"))
returnDt.Columns.Add("dateFrom", Type.GetType("System.DateTime"))
returnDt.Columns.Add("dateTo", Type.GetType("System.DateTime"))
returnDt.Rows.Add("District", "Hub", Date.Today, Date.Today)
'Setup the fake so that when the method is called the data created above will be returned
mock.Setup(Function(f) f.GetData(It.IsAny(Of String), It.IsAny(Of String), It.IsAny(Of Date), It.IsAny(Of Date))).Returns(returnDt)
'Call the real method with the expectation that when it calls GetData it will use our mock object
Dim target = New AcceptanceOfferBLL
Dim response As HttpResponse
Dim actual = target.GetReport("district", "hub", Date.Today, Date.Today, response)
'Because our mock returns 1 row it will skip over our if statements and should return string.empty
Assert.AreEqual("", actual)
End Sub
Public Interface IAcceptanceOfferDAL
Function GetData(ByVal district As String, ByVal site As String, ByVal dateFrom As Date, ByVal dateTo As Date) As DataTable
End Interface
Public Class AcceptanceOfferDAL : Implements IAcceptanceOfferDAL
Private _ds As New DataService.DataAccess
Private _sNameSP As String = ""
Private _listSQLParams As New List(Of SqlParameter)
Public Function GetData(ByVal district As String, ByVal site As String, ByVal dateFrom As Date, ByVal dateTo As Date) As DataTable Implements IAcceptanceOfferDAL.GetData
_sNameSP = "up_AcceptanceHub_get"
Dim sqlParam As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter("@district", district)
Dim sqlParam1 As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter("@hub", site)
Dim sqlParam2 As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter("@DateFrom", dateFrom)
Dim sqlParam3 As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter("@DateTo", dateTo)
Return (_ds.LoadDataTableByID(_listSQLParams, _sNameSP))
End Function
End Class
顯然,這是不行的,我檢查了最小起訂量快速啓動等places沒有成功。這甚至是可能的,或者我應該使用.verify或其他東西? This post具有我想要使用的結構,除非在這種情況下,模擬對象作爲參數傳遞給方法。
您能否澄清「這不起作用」的含義? – PatrickSteele
代碼轉到真正的具體dal.GetData方法,而不是該方法的代理版本。它試圖連接到數據庫並返回信息,而不是我在測試中創建的虛擬數據集。 – Andrew
你永遠不會將模擬IAcceptanceOfferDAL傳遞給AcceptanceOfferBLL。 AcceptanceOfferBLL的「_dal」變量是如何創建的?它應該是一個構造函數依賴項,它在運行時通過IOC容器注入,但在測試期間被模擬。 – PatrickSteele