2011-11-16 96 views

我想在當前的SQL INSERT INTO語句中添加查詢。下面是我的表和當前的sql語句。添加檢查重複記錄的額外SQL查詢






INSERT INTO Table3(UserId, Username, Issue) 
SELECT COALESCE(t1.UserId, t2.UserId), t1.UserName 
    , CASE 
     WHEN (t2.userid IS NULL AND t1.userid IS NOT NULL) 
      THEN 'User exists in t1 but not in t2' 
     WHEN (t2.status = 'DELETE' AND t1.userid IS NOT NULL) 
      THEN 'User Exists in t1, but status in t2 is not DELETE' 
     WHEN (t2.userid IS NOT NULL AND t2.status != 'DELETE' AND t1.userid IS NULL) 
      THEN 'Non-Deleted user in t2 does not exist in t1' 
FROM table1 t1 
FULL OUTER JOIN table2 t2 ON t1.userid = t2.userid 
WHERE (t2.userid IS NULL AND t1.userid IS NOT NULL) 
    OR (t2.status = 'DELETE' AND t1.userid IS NOT NULL) 
    OR (t2.userid IS NOT NULL AND t2.status != 'DELETE' AND t1.userid IS NULL) 


  1. 檢查與同蓋相同的用戶ID(如E01和E01不應該存在)
  2. 檢查相同的用戶ID,但不同的瓶蓋(如E01和E01不應該存在)



上表3威爾約束阻止你'INSERT'ing第二記錄用同樣的'UserID'加入表格? –



如果要插入一個Duplicated userid found記錄(這將在您的Table3導致重複的用戶ID值,可以使用下面的代碼:

INSERT INTO Table3(UserId, Username, Issue) 
SELECT COALESCE(t1.UserId, t2.UserId), t1.UserName 
    , CASE 
     WHEN (t3user.UserId IS NOT NULL OR t3Status.UserId IS NOT NULL) 
      THEN 'Duplicated userid found' 
     WHEN (t2.userid IS NULL AND t1.userid IS NOT NULL) 
      THEN 'User exists in t1 but not in t2' 
     WHEN (t2.status = 'DELETE' AND t1.userid IS NOT NULL) 
      THEN 'User Exists in t1, but status in t2 is DELETE' 
     WHEN (t2.userid IS NOT NULL AND t2.status != 'DELETE' AND t1.userid IS NULL) 
      THEN 'Non-Deleted user in t2 does not exist in t1' 
    END AS Issue 
    FROM table1 t1 
    FULL OUTER JOIN table2 t2 ON t1.userid = t2.userid 
    LEFT JOIN Table3 AS t3user ON t1.UserID = t3user.UserId 
    LEFT JOIN Table3 AS t3status ON t2.UserId = t3status.UserId 
     (t2.userid IS NULL AND t1.userid IS NOT NULL) 
     OR (t2.status = 'DELETE' AND t1.userid IS NOT NULL) 
     OR (t2.userid IS NOT NULL AND t2.status != 'DELETE' AND t1.userid IS NULL) 