2016-01-20 21 views



 private void merge(int[] aux, int lo, int mid, int hi) { 

     for (int k = lo; k <= hi; k++) { 
      aux[k] = theArray[k]; 

     int i = lo, j = mid+1; 
     for (int k = lo; k <= hi; k++) { 
      if (i > mid) { 
       theArray[k] = aux[j++]; 
      else if (j > hi) { 
       theArray[k] = aux[i++]; 
      else if (aux[j] < aux[i]) { 
       theArray[k] = aux[j++]; 
      else { 
       theArray[k] = aux[i++]; 

    private void sort(int[] aux, int lo, int hi) { 
     if (hi <= lo) 
     int mid = lo + (hi - lo)/2; 
     sort(aux, lo, mid); 
     sort(aux, mid + 1, hi); 
     merge(aux, lo, mid, hi); 

    public void sort() { 
     int[] aux = new int[theArray.length]; 
     sort(aux, 0, aux.length - 1); 



不應該是int [] aux = new int [theArray.Length]; (沒有-1),然後排序(aux,0,theArray.Length-1)? – rcgldr





 if (i > mid) { // all the elements between lo and mid were already merged 
         // so all that is left to do is add the remaining elements 
         // from aux[j] to aux[hi] 
      theArray[k] = aux[j++]; 
     else if (j > hi) { // all the elements between mid+1 and hi were already merged 
          // so all that is left to do is add the remaining elements 
          // from aux[i] to aux[mid] 
      theArray[k] = aux[i++]; 
     else if (aux[j] < aux[i]) { // both source arrays are not done, so you have to 
            // compare the current elements of both to determine 
            // which one should come first 
      theArray[k] = aux[j++]; 
     else { 
      theArray[k] = aux[i++]; 

你的解釋有幫助。謝謝! – user3574076