2012-02-16 62 views

您好我有以下問題: 我存儲字符串和整數值的對應列表中的MultiValueMap<String, Integer> 我存儲大約13 000 0億字符串和一個字符串最多可以有500以上值。 對於每一個值,我都會在地圖上隨機訪問。所以最壞的情況是撥打13000000 * 500個電話。現在地圖的速度很好,但內存開銷很高。一個MultiValueMap<String, Integer>是沒有別的然後HashMap/TreeMap<String, <ArrayList<Integer>>。 HashMap和TreeMap都有相當多的內存開銷。一旦完成,我不會修改地圖,但我需要它快速且儘可能小,以便在程序中進行隨機訪問。 (我將它存儲在磁盤上並在開始時加載它,序列化映射文件佔用大約600mb,但在內存中它大約3GB?)內存高效multivaluemap



  1. 我使用了一個排序MultivalueMap(TreeMap中)爲創建階段存儲everything.After我與讓所有值完成後,我得到的字符串通過調用map.keyset().toArray(new String[0]);來創建一個二維int數組並獲取多值映射中的所有值。 專業版:易於實現,創建過程中仍然很快。 Con:它在從Map到Arrays的複製過程中佔用了更多的內存。

  2. 我從頭開始使用數組或者ArrayLists,並將所有內容存儲在那裏 Pro:最少的內存開銷。 缺點:這將是極其緩慢的,因爲我將不得不排序/每次添加一個新的密鑰副本的陣列,此外,我需要實現我自己的(propably更慢)排序,以保持相應的int數組以相同的順序像琴絃一樣。難以實現

  3. 我使用數組和MultivalueMap作爲緩衝。在程序完成創建階段的10%或20%之後,我會將這些值添加到數組中並保持它們的順序,然後啓動一個新的Map。 臨:還是足夠快,足夠的內存效率。騙局:很難實施。




快速問題:500 * 4 * 13,000,000是26,000,000,000字節或+/- 24GB - 您是否考慮將這些數據存儲在堆外? – 2012-02-16 21:34:54


嗨500是最糟糕的情況下估計大多數字符串將只有1或2個值。現在我用-Xmx12g運行程序,但是我在另一個Map中存儲了額外的值。我悲傷的是,Map佔用了大約3g的內存和大約644mb的磁盤空間。 – samy 2012-02-16 21:43:37


Sry我沒有得到off-Heap存儲,我只是用它來搜索,這聽起來很有趣。 – samy 2012-02-16 21:55:02






您可以使用compressed strings大幅度減少內存使用情況。



嗨,感謝這個提示並不知道這個選項,我會試試看,並檢查內存收益。 – samy 2012-02-16 22:41:50


@ user1083775太棒了!將結果發佈給我們會很好,然後我們可以看到它是如何使用和不使用參數的。另外,儘管事實上我猜那些東西沒有那麼多,但是誰知道它可以以其他方式提供幫助,我已經用更多的選項更新了我的答案... – falsarella 2012-02-16 22:53:20


我嘗試了參數,從地圖加載地圖磁盤到內存與:-Xmx16g:2,939.7998428344mb與-Xmx16g -XX:+ UseCompressedStrings:2,715.9821014404做了兩次運行始終相同的結果,所以稍微改善了一點我猜數值或索引結構佔用大部分內存 – samy 2012-02-17 00:03:01


如果您切換到番石榴的Multimap之 - 我不知道,如果可能的話你的應用程序 - 你可能能夠使用特羅韋並獲得

ListMultimap<String, Integer> multimap = Multimaps.newListMultimap(
    new HashMap<String, Collection<Integer>>(), 
    new Supplier<List<Integer>>() { 
    public List<Integer> get() { 
     return new TIntListDecorator(); 



首先,考慮由整數採取的內存。你說的範圍大概是0-4000000。 24位足以表示16777216個不同的值。如果這是可以接受的,你可以使用字節數組作爲整數,每個整數3個字節,並保存25%。你將不得不索引數組是這樣的:

int getPackedInt(byte[] array, int index) { 
    int i = index*3; 
    return ((array[i] & 0xFF)<<16) + ((array[i+1] & 0xFF) <<8) + (array[i+2] & 0xFF); 
int storePackedInt(byte[] array, int index, int value) { 
    assert value >= 0 && value <= 0xFFFFFF; 
    int i = index*3; 
    array[i] = (byte)((value>>16) & 0xFF); 
    array[i+1] = (byte)((value>>8) & 0xFF); 
    array[i+2] = (byte)(value & 0xFF); 


接下來,考慮是否可以節省絃樂內存。字符串的特點是什麼?他們通常會持續多久?很多字符串會共享前綴嗎?針對您的應用程序特性量身定製的壓縮方案可以節省大量空間(如falsarella指出的那樣)。或者,如果許多字符串將共享前綴,則將它們存儲在某種類型的搜索樹中可能會更有效。 (有一種類型的線索叫做「帕特麗夏」這可能是適合這種應用的。)作爲獎勵,請注意,在搜索特里絃樂可以比搜索一個哈希表(雖然你不得不基準更快看看你的應用程序是否屬實)。

將絃樂都是ASCII?如果是這樣,用於字符串的50%的內存將被浪費,因爲Java char是16位。再次,在這種情況下,你可以考慮使用字節數組。


最後,存在用於結構本身,其保持字符串和整數的存儲器。我已經建議使用一個trie,但是如果你決定不這樣做,沒有什麼比平行數組使用更少的內存 - 一個有序的字符串數組(你可以按照你所說的做二進制搜索)和一個並行數組整數數組。在執行二進制搜索以查找字符串數組的索引後,可以使用相同的索引來訪問整數數組。



範圍是0-40000000(目前是3900萬;維基百科中的artikels數量可以增長)。這些字符串是維基百科的錨文本。有人在評論中提出了一個提示。我會研究這一點。 – samy 2012-02-16 22:34:37


@ user1083775,我只是增加了更多的信息和想法。 – 2012-02-17 05:39:41




注:使用EntrySet跨越Map s到迭代不適用於Trie S中的常用建議。它們在Trie中效率非常低,所以請儘可能避免請求。

* Implementation of a Trie structure. 
* A Trie is a compact form of tree that takes advantage of common prefixes 
* to the keys. 
* A normal HashSet will take the key and compute a hash from it, this hash will 
* be used to locate the value through various methods but usually some kind 
* of bucket system is used. The memory footprint resulting becomes something 
* like O(n). 
* A Trie structure essentuially combines all common prefixes into a single key. 
* For example, holding the strings A, AB, ABC and ABCD will only take enough 
* space to record the presence of ABCD. The presence of the others will be 
* recorded as flags within the record of ABCD structure at zero cost. 
* This structure is useful for holding similar strings such as product IDs or 
* credit card numbers. 
public class TrieMap<V> extends AbstractMap<String, V> implements Map<String, V> { 

    * Map each character to a sub-trie. 
    * Could replace this with a 256 entry array of Tries but this will handle 
    * multibyte character sets and I can discard empty maps. 
    * Maintained at null until needed (for better memory footprint). 
    protected Map<Character, TrieMap<V>> children = null; 

    * Here we store the map contents. 
    protected V leaf = null; 

    * Set the leaf value to a new setting and return the old one. 
    * @param newValue 
    * @return old value of leaf. 
    protected V setLeaf(V newValue) { 
    V old = leaf; 
    leaf = newValue; 
    return old; 

    * I've always wanted to name a method something like this. 
    protected void makeChildren() { 
    if (children == null) { 
     // Use a TreeMap to ensure sorted iteration. 
     children = new TreeMap<Character, TrieMap<V>>(); 

    * Finds the TrieMap that "should" contain the key. 
    * @param key 
    * The key to find. 
    * @param grow 
    * Set to true to grow the Trie to fit the key. 
    * @return 
    * The sub Trie that "should" contain the key or null if key was not found and 
    * grow was false. 
    protected TrieMap<V> find(String key, boolean grow) { 
    if (key.length() == 0) { 
     // Found it! 
     return this; 
    } else { 
     // Not at end of string. 
     if (grow) { 
     // Grow the tree. 
     if (children != null) { 
     // Ask the kids. 
     char ch = key.charAt(0); 
     TrieMap<V> child = children.get(ch); 
     if (child == null && grow) { 
      // Make the child. 
      child = new TrieMap<V>(); 
      // Store the child. 
      children.put(ch, child); 
     if (child != null) { 
      // Find it in the child. 
      return child.find(tail(key), grow); 
    return null; 


    * Remove the head (first character) from the string. 
    * @param s 
    * The string. 
    * @return 
    * The same string without the first (head) character. 
    // Suppress warnings over taking a subsequence 
    private String tail(String s) { 
    return s.substring(1, s.length()); 

    * Add a new value to the map. 
    * Time footprint = O(s.length). 
    * @param s 
    * The key defining the place to add. 
    * @param value 
    * The value to add there. 
    * @return 
    * The value that was there, or null if it wasn't. 
    public V put(String key, V value) { 
    V old = null; 

    // If empty string. 
    if (key.length() == 0) { 
     old = setLeaf(value); 
    } else { 
     // Find it. 
     old = find(key, true).put("", value); 

    return old; 

    * Gets the value at the specified key position. 
    * @param o 
    * The key to the location. 
    * @return 
    * The value at that location, or null if there is no value at that location. 
    public V get(Object o) { 
    V got = null; 
    if (o != null) { 
     String key = (String) o; 
     TrieMap<V> it = find(key, false); 
     if (it != null) { 
     got = it.leaf; 
    } else { 
     throw new NullPointerException("Nulls not allowed."); 
    return got; 

    * Remove the value at the specified location. 
    * @param o 
    * The key to the location. 
    * @return 
    * The value that was removed, or null if there was no value at that location. 
    public V remove(Object o) { 
    V old = null; 
    if (o != null) { 
     String key = (String) o; 
     if (key.length() == 0) { 
     // Its me! 
     old = leaf; 
     leaf = null; 
     } else { 
     TrieMap<V> it = find(key, false); 
     if (it != null) { 
      old = it.remove(""); 
    } else { 
     throw new NullPointerException("Nulls not allowed."); 
    return old; 

    * Count the number of values in the structure. 
    * @return 
    * The number of values in the structure. 
    public int size() { 
    // If I am a leaf then size increases by 1. 
    int size = leaf != null ? 1 : 0; 
    if (children != null) { 
     // Add sizes of all my children. 
     for (Character c : children.keySet()) { 
     size += children.get(c).size(); 
    return size; 

    * Is the tree empty? 
    * @return 
    * true if the tree is empty. 
    * false if there is still at least one value in the tree. 
    public boolean isEmpty() { 
    // I am empty if I am not a leaf and I have no children 
    // (slightly quicker than the AbstaractCollection implementation). 
    return leaf == null && (children == null || children.isEmpty()); 

    * Returns all keys as a Set. 
    * @return 
    * A HashSet of all keys. 
    * Note: Although it returns Set<S> it is actually a Set<String> that has been 
    * home-grown because the original keys are not stored in the structure 
    * anywhere. 
    public Set<String> keySet() { 
    // Roll them a temporary list and give them a Set from it. 
    return new HashSet<String>(keyList()); 

    * List all my keys. 
    * @return 
    * An ArrayList of all keys in the tree. 
    * Note: Although it returns List<S> it is actually a List<String> that has been 
    * home-grown because the original keys are not stored in the structure 
    * anywhere. 
    protected List<String> keyList() { 
    List<String> contents = new ArrayList<String>(); 

    if (leaf != null) { 
     // If I am a leaf, a null string is in the set. 
     contents.add((String) ""); 

    // Add all sub-tries. 
    if (children != null) { 
     for (Character c : children.keySet()) { 
     TrieMap<V> child = children.get(c); 
     List<String> childContents = child.keyList(); 
     for (String subString : childContents) { 
      // All possible substrings can be prepended with this character. 
      contents.add((String) (c + subString.toString())); 

    return contents; 

    * Does the map contain the specified key. 
    * @param key 
    * The key to look for. 
    * @return 
    * true if the key is in the Map. 
    * false if not. 
    public boolean containsKey(String key) { 
    TrieMap<V> it = find(key, false); 
    if (it != null) { 
     return it.leaf != null; 
    return false; 

    * Represent me as a list. 
    * @return 
    * A String representation of the tree. 
    public String toString() { 
    List<String> list = keyList(); 
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 
    Separator comma = new Separator(","); 
    for (String s : list) { 
    return sb.toString(); 

    * Clear down completely. 
    public void clear() { 
    children = null; 
    leaf = null; 

    * Return a list of key/value pairs. 
    * @return 
    * The entry set. 
    public Set<Map.Entry<String, V>> entrySet() { 
    Set<Map.Entry<String, V>> entries = new HashSet<Map.Entry<String, V>>(); 
    List<String> keys = keyList(); 
    for (String key : keys) { 
     entries.add(new Entry<String,V>(key, get(key))); 
    return entries; 

    * An entry. 
    * @param <S> 
    * The type of the key. 
    * @param <V> 
    * The type of the value. 
    private static class Entry<S, V> implements Map.Entry<S, V> { 

    protected S key; 
    protected V value; 

    public Entry(S key, V value) { 
     this.key = key; 
     this.value = value; 

    public S getKey() { 
     return key; 

    public V getValue() { 
     return value; 

    public V setValue(V newValue) { 
     V oldValue = value; 
     value = newValue; 
     return oldValue; 

    public boolean equals(Object o) { 
     if (!(o instanceof TrieMap.Entry)) { 
     return false; 
     Entry e = (Entry) o; 
     return (key == null ? e.getKey() == null : key.equals(e.getKey())) 
       && (value == null ? e.getValue() == null : value.equals(e.getValue())); 

    public int hashCode() { 
     int keyHash = (key == null ? 0 : key.hashCode()); 
     int valueHash = (value == null ? 0 : value.hashCode()); 
     return keyHash^valueHash; 

    public String toString() { 
     return key + "=" + value; 