2011-07-18 67 views




* Embeds an image into the document and gets back the new URL. 
* @param factory Factory interface of the document. 
* @param file Image file. 
* @param internalName Name of the image used inside the document. 
* @return URL of the embedded image. 
public static String embedLocalImage(XMultiServiceFactory factory, File localFile, String internalName) { 

    // future return value 
    String newURL = null; 

    // URL of the file (note that BitmapTable expects URLs starting with 
    // "file://" rather than just "file:". Also note that getRawPath() will 
    // return an encoded URL (with special character in the form of %xx). 
    String imageURL = "file://" + localFile.toURI().getRawPath(); 

    try { 

     // get a BitmapTable object from the document (and get interface) 
     Object bitmapTable = factory.createInstance("com.sun.star.drawing.BitmapTable"); 
     XNameContainer bitmapContainer = (XNameContainer)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XNameContainer.class, bitmapTable); 

     // insert image by URL into the table 
     bitmapContainer.insertByName(internalName, imageURL); 

     // get interface 
     XNameAccess bitmapAccess = (XNameAccess)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XNameAccess.class, bitmapTable); 

     // get the embedded URL back 
     newURL = (String)bitmapAccess.getByName(internalName); 

    } catch (Exception e) { 
     throw new RuntimeException(e); 

    // return the new (embedded) url 
    return newURL; 