我們在PT 8.53上使用FSCM 9.1。
我試圖轉移到是AP_VOUCHER_INQUIRY 的菜單路徑是頁面:應付賬款 - >審查應付帳款信息 - >憑證 - >券
/* If Business Unit and Voucher ID are being passed to this page, this code picks it out and populates the From/To fields and executes the search statement. This code allows another page to use the TRANSFER function passing "some_record.BUSINESS_UNIT" and "some_record.VOUCHER_ID" as keys while opening Voucher Inquiry in a new browser. */
&bu = Unencode(%Request.GetParameter("BUSINESS_UNIT"));
&vchr_id = Unencode(%Request.GetParameter("VOUCHER_ID"));
&vchr_style_inq = Unencode(%Request.GetParameter("VOUCHER_STYLE_INQ"));
&vndr_setid = Unencode(%Request.GetParameter("VENDOR_SETID"));
查覈在PYMNT_VCHR_DET.GBL.DERIVED_AP.VOUCHER_ID_LBL代碼.FieldChange查看交付的代碼如何執行此操作。他們使用%response.RedirectURL – Darryls99
感謝Darryls99 - 完美的工作。我會更新一個答案。 – Tom