2010-10-01 44 views



我建議張貼問題之前,閱讀文檔。完全不熟悉這個庫,在30秒內,我下載了源代碼,找到了這些文檔,直到找到 - (void)flowCover:(FlowCoverView *)視圖didSelect:(int)cover,這看起來像一個委託方法。



,只有當用戶選擇圖像觸發方法。這不是我所需要的 – Lilz 2010-10-01 13:38:46


然後,您可能需要深入研究源代碼並將其擴展爲報告最前面的項目,因爲文檔沒有提及任何此類通知。 – 2010-10-01 13:41:02



@protocol FlowCoverViewDelegate 
- (int)flowCoverNumberImages:(FlowCoverView *)view; 
- (UIImage *)flowCover:(FlowCoverView *)view cover:(int)cover; 
- (void)flowCover:(FlowCoverView *)view didSelect:(int)cover; 
- (void)flowCover:(FlowCoverView *)view highlighted:(int)cover; //<-- Added 

而與此更換您-[FlowCoverView driveAnimation]方法FlowCoverView.m:

- (void)driveAnimation 
    double elapsed = CACurrentMediaTime() - startTime; 
    if (elapsed >= runDelta) [self endAnimation]; 
    else [self updateAnimationAtTime:elapsed]; 

    * Change by Uppfinnarn <[email protected]>. 
    * This will give the Delegate a message every time the highlighted cover (eg. the one in the center) changes. 
    * Can be used to display subtitles for example. 

    if (delegate) [delegate flowCover:self highlighted:(int)floor(offset + 0.01)]; // make sure .99 is 1 





編輯: 這個替換您的-[FlowCoverView touchesMoved:withEvent:]方法來獲取回調當用戶用手指拖過:

- (void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event 
    CGRect r = self.bounds; 
    UITouch *t = [touches anyObject]; 
    CGPoint where = [t locationInView:self]; 
    double pos = (where.x/r.size.width) * 10 - 5; 

    if (touchFlag) { 
      // determine if the user is dragging or not 
      int dx = fabs(where.x - startTouch.x); 
      int dy = fabs(where.y - startTouch.y); 
      if ((dx < 3) && (dy < 3)) return; 
      touchFlag = NO; 

    int max = [self numTiles]-1; 

    offset = startOff + (startPos - pos); 
    if (offset > max) offset = max; 
    if (offset < 0) offset = 0; 
    * Change by Uppfinnarn <[email protected]>. 
    * Based on Ilkka Pirttimaa <[email protected]>'s solution for notifications. 
    * when the animation stops. 
    * This will give the Delegate a message every time the highlighted cover (eg. the one in the center) changes. 
    * Can be used to display subtitles for example. 
    if(delegate) [delegate flowCover:self highlighted:(int)floor(offset + 0.01)]; 
    [self draw]; 

    double time = CACurrentMediaTime(); 
    if (time - startTime > 0.2) { 
     startTime = time; 
     lastPos = pos; 