xml文件 -
She outsprinted Becky Smith and Joan Hare to the line, with Becky and Joan
finishing in a time of <time>1:02:41</time> and <time> 1:02:45</time>
正則表達式,我用(想拉時間的詳細信息) -
if (/<time>(.*)<\/time>/) {
($hh, $mm, $ss) = split(':', $1);
say "Time Entered - ", $hh, ":", $mm, ":", $ss, " ";
print "***$1***\n";
Time Entered - 1:02:41</time> and <time> 1
預期 -
**第二途徑探索 - **的libxml我 試圖與這下面的代碼,但它給了我一個錯誤說
"KnoxHalfResults:1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found
Jim Colatis won Tuesday's Knoxville half marathon in a blistering pace"
輸入文件數據 - 這
Jim Colatis won Tuesday's Knoxville half marathon in a blistering pace
of <time> 0:56:45 </time>. He was followed to the line by long time nemesis
Mickey Mouse in a time of <time>0:58:49</time>.
my code for LibXML -
use warnings;
#use XML::Twig;
use XML::LibXML;
my $filein;
my $fileout;
($filein, $fileout) = @ARGV;
my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
my $xmldoc = $parser->parse_file($filein);
for my $sample ($xmldoc->findnodes('/time')) {
print $sample->nodeName(), ": ", $sample->textContent(), "\n";
與您的說法相反,這不是一個XML文件,這就是libxml抱怨的原因。 – ikegami