我想在我的where子句中做某種「if」語句。我意識到,SQL不支持這一點,但我相信必須有一些方法使這個工作與SQL語法。正如我用粗體顯示的區域所示,我試圖找到所有以d開頭的項目,並將它們過濾掉,如果它們的userfld2也=容器。做一個「如果」類型的語句在sql where子句
Select a.ItemID
, b.ConversionFactor VCaseAmt
, sum(c.ConversionFactor + 1) SCaseAmt
, a.status
, a.UserFld2
From timItem a
inner join timItemUnitOfMeas b on a.ItemKey = b.ItemKey
and b.TargetUnitMeasKey = 115
left join timItemUnitOfMeas c on a.ItemKey = c.ItemKey
and c.TargetUnitMeasKey = 116
left join timItemUnitOfMeas d on a.ItemKey = d.ItemKey
and d.TargetUnitMeasKey = 126
Where d.TargetUnitMeasKey is null
and b.ConversionFactor != c.ConversionFactor + 1
and a.Status = 1
and **(filter a.itemid not like 'd%' when a.userfld2 = 'Container')**
Group by a.ItemID, b.TargetUnitMeasKey, b.ConversionFactor, C.TargetUnitMeasKey
, c.ConversionFactor, a.status, a.UserFld2
Order by a.ItemID
過濾a.itemid不喜歡 'd%' **和** a.userfld2 = '集裝箱'? – NINCOMPOOP