2013-06-19 64 views

對不起,如果問題不清楚,我想知道如何用C++編寫一個程序,它可以輸出所有句子的組合,使用公式C=n!/(n-k)!。例如,這是我想已打印的那種東西:如何編寫'n'字符串的所有組合?重複:C = n!/(n-k)!

combination no 1: sentence1 sentence2 sentence3 sentence4 

combination no 2: sentence1 sentence2 sentence4 sentence3 

combination no 3: sentence1 sentence3 sentence2 sentence4 

combination no 4: sentence1 sentence3 sentence4 sentence2 

combination no 5: sentence1 sentence4 sentence3 sentence2 

combination no 6: sentence1 sentence4 sentence2 sentence3 

And so on... 




// next_permutation example 
#include <iostream>  // std::cout 
#include <algorithm> // std::next_permutation, std::sort 
#include <string>  // std::string 
#include <vector>  // std::vector 

int main() { 
    std::string sentence1 = " A Sentence number one "; 
    std::string sentence2 = " B Sentence number two "; 
    std::string sentence3 = " C Sentence number three "; 
    std::string sentence4 = " D Sentence number four "; 

    // Store all the elements in a container (here a std::vector) 
    std::vector<std::string> myVectorOfStrings;  
    // In the vector we add all the sentences. 
    // Note : It is possible to do myVectorOfStrings.push_back("Some sentence"); 

    // The elements must be sorted to output all the combinations 
    std::sort (myVectorOfStrings.begin(),myVectorOfStrings.end()); 

    std::cout << "The 4! possible permutations with 4 elements:\n"; 
    do { 
    //This printing can be improved to handle any number of sentences, not only four. 
    std::cout << myVectorOfStrings[0] << ' ' << myVectorOfStrings[1] << ' ' << myVectorOfStrings[2] << ' ' << myVectorOfStrings[3] << '\n'; 
    } while (std::next_permutation(myVectorOfStrings.begin(),myVectorOfStrings.end())); 

    std::cout << "After loop: " << myVectorOfStrings[0] << ' ' << myVectorOfStrings[1] << ' ' << myVectorOfStrings[2] << ' ' << myVectorOfStrings[3] << '\n'; 

    return 0; 

'std :: next_permutation' –


只是一個提示:請求「請爲我寫下我的整個程序」並不被看好。 –


好吧,我注意到了。 – user2499266



你可能表示你想要所有'n'字符串的可能組合。 還有n!可能的情況。 可以使用std::next_permutation 方法如下:

我想,所有的句子中的std :: string這樣的:

// next_permutation example 
#include <iostream>  // std::cout 
#include <algorithm> // std::next_permutation, std::sort 
#include <string>  // std::string 
#include <vector>  // std::vector 

int main() { 
    std::string sentence1 = " A Sentence number one "; 
    std::string sentence2 = " B Sentence number two "; 
    std::string sentence3 = " C Sentence number three "; 
    std::string sentence4 = " D Sentence number four "; 

    // Store all the elements in a container (here a std::vector) 
    std::vector<std::string> myVectorOfStrings;  
    // In the vector we add all the sentences. 
    // Note : It is possible to do myVectorOfStrings.push_back("Some sentence"); 

    // The elements must be sorted to output all the combinations 
    std::sort (myVectorOfStrings.begin(),myVectorOfStrings.end()); 

    std::cout << "The 4! possible permutations with 4 elements:\n"; 
    do { 
    //This printing can be improved to handle any number of sentences, not only four. 
    std::cout << myVectorOfStrings[0] << ' ' << myVectorOfStrings[1] << ' ' << myVectorOfStrings[2] << ' ' << myVectorOfStrings[3] << '\n'; 
    } while (std::next_permutation(myVectorOfStrings.begin(),myVectorOfStrings.end())); 

    std::cout << "After loop: " << myVectorOfStrings[0] << ' ' << myVectorOfStrings[1] << ' ' << myVectorOfStrings[2] << ' ' << myVectorOfStrings[3] << '\n'; 

    return 0; 

這是打印一個簡單的例子。 如果你有超過4串時,do-while循環中,你會使用類似this


do { 
    //Print all the sentences in my vector : 
    for(auto i = myVectorOfStrings.begin(); i != myVectorOfStrings.end(); ++i) 
    std::cout << *i << ' '; 
    // Go to the next line 
    std::cout << std::endl; 
} while (std::next_permutation(myVectorOfStrings.begin(),myVectorOfStrings.end())); 

而且,是有可能有高達10億的組合還是有 有一些限制?

唯一的限制是內存。 在這個例子中,你只有1個存儲所有字符串的向量。 所以如果你有10個字符串,你會有10個! = 3,628,800種不同的組合,但內存本身只是你的矢量使用的有10個字符串的內存。


如何更改公式中k的值? – user2499266
