2012-05-29 33 views

我正在一個網站上工作。當您點擊滑動到您想要的頁面的導航時,佈局是水平的。這一切都有效,但我然後爲每個頁面添加了一個調光器,因此當您在您選擇的頁面上時,其他調光器會變暗。我想知道是否有更好的方法來編寫這段代碼,目前它是每個頁面的一個函數,我想知道是否有辦法縮短這個時間。jquery - 水平頁面佈局 - 調光器

//When the link that triggers the message is clicked fade in overlay/msgbox 
$(".dimmerservices").fadeOut('slow', function() { 
// Animation complete. 
$(".dimmerother1").fadeIn('slow', function() { 
// Animation complete. 
return false; 

//When the message box is closed, fade out 
return false; 



//Adjust height of overlay to fill screen when page loads 
$("#fuzz").css("height", $(document).height()); 

//When the link that triggers the message is clicked fade in overlay/msgbox 
$(".dimmercase").fadeOut('slow', function() { 
// Animation complete. 
$(".dimmerother2").fadeIn('slow', function() { 
// Animation complete. 
return false; 

//When the message box is closed, fade out 
return false; 



//Adjust height of overlay to fill screen when page loads 
$("#fuzz").css("height", $(document).height()); 

//When the link that triggers the message is clicked fade in overlay/msgbox 
$(".dimmerabout").fadeOut('slow', function() { 
// Animation complete. 
$(".dimmerother3").fadeIn('slow', function() { 
// Animation complete. 
return false; 

//When the message box is closed, fade out 
return false; 



//Adjust height of overlay to fill screen when page loads 
$("#fuzz").css("height", $(document).height()); 

//When the link that triggers the message is clicked fade in overlay/msgbox 
$(".dimmerend").fadeOut('slow', function() { 
// Animation complete. 
$(".dimmerother4").fadeIn('slow', function() { 
// Animation complete. 
return false; 

//When the message box is closed, fade out 
return false; 


如果你可以做一個[的jsfiddle(http://jsfiddle.net),這將是巨大的,這樣我們就可以重構你的實際代碼向你展示它如何[幹](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don't_repeat_yourself)編輯。 –


http://jsfiddle.net/matthewrogers/uQH37/ –




$('ul.nav a').bind('click', function(event) { 

    // show hidden dimmer 

    // fade out current dimmer 




謝謝,看起來好多了。 –



$(document).ready(function() { 

//Adjust height of overlay to fill screen when page loads 
$("#fuzz").css("height", $(document).height()); 

//When the message box is closed, fade out 
$(".close").click(function() { 
    return false; 

//When the link that triggers the message is clicked fade in overlay/msgbox 
$(".test").click(function() { 
    $(".dimmerservices").fadeOut('slow', function() { 
     // Animation complete. 
    $(".dimmerother1").fadeIn('slow', function() { 
     // Animation complete. 
    return false; 

//When the link that triggers the message is clicked fade in overlay/msgbox 
$(".casestud").click(function() { 
    $(".dimmercase").fadeOut('slow', function() { 
     // Animation complete. 
    $(".dimmerother2").fadeIn('slow', function() { 
     // Animation complete. 
    return false; 

//When the link that triggers the message is clicked fade in overlay/msgbox 
$(".aboutclick").click(function() { 
    $(".dimmerabout").fadeOut('slow', function() { 
     // Animation complete. 
    $(".dimmerother3").fadeIn('slow', function() { 
     // Animation complete. 
    return false; 

//When the link that triggers the message is clicked fade in overlay/msgbox 
$(".contactbutton").click(function() { 
    $(".dimmerend").fadeOut('slow', function() { 
     // Animation complete. 
    $(".dimmerother4").fadeIn('slow', function() { 
     // Animation complete. 
    return false; 


//Adjust height of overlay to fill screen when browser gets resized 
$(window).bind("resize", function() { 
    $("#fuzz").css("height", $(window).height()); 