2017-06-21 65 views


HD:用戶:XXXXXXXX:圖書館:開發商:Xcode中:檔案:2017年6月14日:關注17年6月14日,8.03 AM.xcarchive:」

和所以列表中填充字符串是這個樣子:關注17年6月14日,8.03 AM.xcarchive


set myFile to choose from list archiveFileNames with prompt "Select An Archive" 
    -->return class of myFile 

    repeat with i from 1 to count of every item of archiveFileNames 

     if (myFile is equal to (item i of archiveFileNames as string)) then 
      log myFile & "::" & item i of archiveFileNames & "::" & i 
     end if 
    end repeat 


log myFile & "::" & item i of archiveFileNames & "::" & i 


(*focus 6-14-17, 8.03 AM.xcarchive, ::, focus 5-1-17, 1.40 PM.xcarchive, ::, 1*) 
    (*focus 6-14-17, 8.03 AM.xcarchive, ::, focus 5-1-17, 10.48 AM.xcarchive, ::, 2*) 
    (*focus 6-14-17, 8.03 AM.xcarchive, ::, focus 5-1-17, 11.04 AM.xcarchive, ::, 3*) 
    (*focus 6-14-17, 8.03 AM.xcarchive, ::, focus 5-1-17, 11.24 AM.xcarchive, ::, 4*) 
    (*focus 6-14-17, 8.03 AM.xcarchive, ::, focus 5-1-17, 9.37 AM.xcarchive, ::, 5*) 
    (*focus 6-14-17, 8.03 AM.xcarchive, ::, focus 5-3-17, 2.01 PM.xcarchive, ::, 6*) 
    (*focus 6-14-17, 8.03 AM.xcarchive, ::, focus 5-3-17, 2.02 PM.xcarchive, ::, 7*) 
    (*focus 6-14-17, 8.03 AM.xcarchive, ::, focus 5-5-17, 2.51 PM.xcarchive, ::, 8*) 
    (*focus 6-14-17, 8.03 AM.xcarchive, ::, focus 5-12-17, 8.49 AM.xcarchive, ::, 9*) 
    (*focus 6-14-17, 8.03 AM.xcarchive, ::, focus 5-12-17, 8.53 AM.xcarchive, ::, 10*) 
    (*focus 6-14-17, 8.03 AM.xcarchive, ::, focus 5-16-17, 11.43 AM.xcarchive, ::, 11*) 
    (*focus 6-14-17, 8.03 AM.xcarchive, ::, focus 6-5-17, 1.42 PM.xcarchive, ::, 12*) 
    (*focus 6-14-17, 8.03 AM.xcarchive, ::, focus 6-6-17, 10.37 AM.xcarchive, ::, 13*) 
    (*focus 6-14-17, 8.03 AM.xcarchive, ::, focus 6-6-17, 4.09 PM.xcarchive, ::, 14*) 
    (*focus 6-14-17, 8.03 AM.xcarchive, ::, focus 6-13-17, 4.01 PM.xcarchive, ::, 15*) 
    (*focus 6-14-17, 8.03 AM.xcarchive, ::, focus 6-14-17, 11.36 AM.xcarchive, ::, 16*) 
    (*focus 6-14-17, 8.03 AM.xcarchive, ::, focus 6-14-17, 8.00 AM.xcarchive, ::, 17*) 
    (*focus 6-14-17, 8.03 AM.xcarchive, ::, focus 6-14-17, 8.03 AM.xcarchive, ::, 18*) 

所以我想,這一定是一類/類型的問題,即沒有平等,因爲我比較蘋果和桔子。當我運行它並有 - >返回myFile的類未註釋時,我得到從列表中選擇的類是一個列表。

顯然我做錯了什麼。我期待的類型是字符串,也許是文本,而不是列表。幫助我Obi Wans,你是我唯一的希望! :d






出現問題原因choose from list回報總是列表對象的(或布爾false如果用戶按下取消) 。


set myFile to choose from list archiveFileNames with prompt "Select An Archive" 

if myFile is false then return 
set myFile to item 1 of myFile 
repeat with i from 1 to count of every item of archiveFileNames 
    set currentItem to item i of archiveFileNames 
    if myFile = currentItem then 
     log myFile & "::" & currentItem & "::" & i 
    end if 
end repeat 

它是否一直都是這樣的,我不記得有這樣做,在過去,但它已經6年左右,因爲我已經做任何硬核的AppleScript – PruitIgoe


它一直是這樣的。 – vadian



as text 


if A is B 

可能失敗不同類別 - 做一個脅迫文本

if (A as text) is (B as text) 


on list_position(this_item, this_list) 
    repeat with i from 1 to the count of this_list 
  if ((item i of this_list) as text) is (this_item as text) then return i 
  end repeat 
return 0 
end list_position 
