2009-12-08 129 views




有關更多信息,請參閱Installation on Unix System > Apache 2.x on Unix systems;並且,特別是具有的部分,讓configure調用的例子:

10. Now, configure your PHP. This is where you customize your PHP 
    with various options, like which extensions will be enabled. Do a 
    ./configure --help for a list of available options. In our example 
    we'll do a simple configure with Apache 2 and MySQL support. Your 
    path to apxs may differ, in fact, the binary may even be named apxs2 on 
    your system. 

     ./configure --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs --with-mysql 

如果你想/需要重新編譯PHP與--enable-zip option,它會就在這個命令去。