from mufdatatypes import *
debugline=0 #Line where something interesting starts
currentline=0 #Line where we currently are
infunc=0 #Need to know if we're in a function or not.
iflevel=0 #Need to track how far into ifs we are
inelse=0 #If we're in an if, have we already done an else?
looplevel=0 #Also need to know how many loops deep we're in
gvarlist=[ "me": mufvariable(dbref(2)) , "loc" : mufvariable(dbref(0)) , "trigger" : mufvariable(dbref(-1)) , "command": mufvariable("") ]
def mufcompile(rawcode, primstable):
"""Compiles a source string into a list of instructions"""
global source
global code
global debugline
global currentline
global code #The actual instructions will be stored here.
global infunC#Need to know if we're in a function or not.
global iflevel #Need to track how far into ifs we are.
global inelse #If we're in an if, have we already done an else?
global looplevel #Also need to know how man loops deep we're in.
global addresstable #This will hold a table of function addresses.
global structstack #This list stack will be used to hold status info as we go further down complex statements
global instrnum #Number of instruction. Important for moving the EIP.
global vartable #Table of variables. Dictionary.
global charnum #Character in the line we're at.
global item
我會建議使用一個類,以獲得擺脫'global'關鍵字,即使只創建該類的一個實例。 – 2012-03-06 21:51:47