private static void whileLoop3()
System.out.printf("%n%nExecuting whileLoop3...%n%n");
int count=0;
int total=0;
int average;
int temp;
//while loop 10 times
while(count < 10)
//input number from user
temp = input.nextInt();
//add to total
total += temp; //same as total = total + temp
count++; //same as count = count + 10
System.out.printf("Count is %d%n", count);
average = total/count;
System.out.printf("The average of your numbers is %d%n", average);
System.out.printf("%nEnter your next number or \"S\" to stop: ");
「當我運行它,它不工作,我希望它的方式。」那麼,幾乎所有的SO問題都是如此。請更具體一些。 (提示:如果用戶可以輸入「S」而不是數字,那麼'nextInt'將會失敗...) –
您是否嘗試過在循環內計算退出值? – efekctive
你的問題是什麼?爲什麼不是循環內的最後一個打印語句?我沒有看到任何編碼努力來處理輸入的「S」。 – tnw