我可以使用JEditorPane.setText傳遞包含< br>標籤的HTML字符串,並且當我使用getText()時,這些新行將正確顯示爲< br>。但是當用戶在JEditorPane中輸入新行時,getText()會返回一個「/ n」字符而不是標籤。我的自定義HTML解析器無法區分用戶的「/ n」字符和添加的「/ n」字符 - 看起來 - 使HTML字符串看起來很漂亮。舉個例子:
I've written some text! Indeed so much text that this line is probably
going to word wrap when I run the getText procedure!
And now I just hit enter a few times! I wonder what will happen if it wraps
another time? WHAM.
And I'll hit enter once more for good measure.
I've written some text! Indeed so much text that this line is probably
going to word wrap when I run the getText procedure!<br><br>And now I
just hit enter a few times! I wonder what will happen if it wraps
another time? WHAM.<br>And I'll hit enter once more for good measure.
當用戶輸入時,是否有任何方法可以將<插入到getText字符串中?我第一次嘗試使用documentFilter,但文檔說我只是大聲地在過濾器中使用insertString或filterBypass,因此我不能使用setText(「< br>」)路由。大量的閱讀後,我想另一種選擇是擴展HTMLEditorKit並重寫讀取過程? JTextComponents對我來說是新的,所以這是我的頭。還有其他選擇嗎?或資源?
您是否曾經發布SSCCE來說明問題? – StanislavL 2014-11-10 09:26:32