我嘗試使用GVM工具來安裝Grails,在此之前,我將GVM從一個非常舊的版本更新到最新版本。在提示提示後,我執行了gvm install grails
,連接問題後失敗。我試圖通過輸入相同的命令再次安裝Grails。無法在我的Ubuntu機器上從GVM安裝Grails; gvm install grails不起作用
Found a previously downloaded grails 3.0.1 archive.
Not downloading it again...
End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not
a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the
latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
the last disk(s) of this archive.
unzip: cannot find zipfile directory in one
of /home/myhome/.gvm/archives/grails-3.0.1.zip or
and cannot find /home/myhome/.gvm/archives/grails-3.0.1.zip.ZIP, period.
Stop! The archive was corrupt and has been removed! Please try installing again.
我再次gvm install grails
當我鍵入gvm list grails時,未列出3.0.1版本 – bmscomp
嘗試gvm selfupdate。我可以看到3.0.1作爲可用候選人的列表。確保你沒有啓用離線變量。 – vivwilfer