public void ReadHighScore()
byte[] myByteArray = new byte[64]; // Creates a new local byte array with a length of 64
using (var store = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication()) // Creates an IsolatedStorageFile within the User Storage
using (var stream = new IsolatedStorageFileStream("highscore.txt", System.IO.FileMode.Create, System.IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite, store)) // Creates a new filestream attatched to the storage file
if (stream != null) // Checks to see if the filestream sucessfully read the file
int streamLength = (int)stream.Length; // Gets the length of the filestream
stream.Read(myByteArray, 0, streamLength); // Parses the filestream to the byte array
myState = (int)game_state.Terminate; // Temporary Error checking, the function gets though this without triggering the 'terminate' gamestate
string ScoreString = myByteArray.ToString(); // Parses the byte array to a string
Int32.TryParse(ScoreString, out highScore.score); // Parses the string to an integer
public void SaveHighScore()
byte[] myByteArray = new byte[64]; // Creates a new local byte array with a length of 64
using (var store = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication()) // Creates an IsolatedStorageFile within the User Storage
using (var stream = new IsolatedStorageFileStream("highscore.txt", System.IO.FileMode.Create, System.IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite, store)) // Creates a new filestream attatched to the storage file
if (stream != null) // Checks to see if the filestream sucessfully read the file
int streamLength = (int)stream.Length; // Gets the length of the filestream
stream.Write(myByteArray, 0, streamLength); // Parses the byte array to the filestream
myState = (int)game_state.Terminate; // Temporary Error checking, the function gets though this without triggering the 'terminate' gamestate
哇哦,謝謝!而且你已經告訴我,即使我能做的事情總是可以做得更乾淨,我仍然有很多要學習:) – TotalJargon
代碼仍然需要一點工作,錯過了一個EndOfStreamException,所以我想我'現在必須學會如何去做:P感謝您的幫助! – TotalJargon
@TotalJargon的確我錯過了那一個。第一次調用'ReadHighScore'時,該文件將爲'BinaryReader'爲空將拋出異常。你可以事先檢查一下流的長度,或者在打開它之前檢查文件是否存在(如果它不存在,退出函數) –