

目前我正在通過預先計算每個連續距離,增加一個變量並將值分配給每個點,這是不是一個好的行爲,因爲我打算編輯軌道(添加,刪除和更新點),並且「總距離」實際上不是一個軌跡點的內在屬性,而是它的上下文中的軌跡點的內在屬性跟蹤。另一方面,如果我推遲對吸氣劑功能的評估,比如說getTotalDistance(track, 20),那麼會有很多重複的和實際上不必要的計算。






public class Node 
    public Node(Node leftChild, Node rightChild) 
     FirstPoint = leftChild.FirstPoint; 
     LastPoint = rightChild.LastPoint; 
     LeafCount = leftChild.LeafCount + rightChild.LeafCount; 
     BetweenDistance = leftChild.LastPoint.DistanceTo(rightChild.FirstPoint); 
     TotalDistanceSum = leftChild.TotalDistanceSum 
      + BetweenDistance 
      + rightChild.TotalDistanceSum; 
     IsLeaf = false; 
     LeftChild = leftChild; 
     RightChild = rightChild; 

    public Node(Point p) 
     FirstPoint = p; 
     LastPoint = p; 
     LeafCount = 1; 
     IsLeaf = true; 

    /// The point of the leftmost decendant. 
    public Point FirstPoint { get; set; } 
    /// The point of the rightmost decendant. 
    public Point LastPoint { get; set; } 

    /// Number of leaves. 
    public int LeafCount { get; set; } 
    /// The distance from FirstPoint to LastPoint along the path. 
    public double TotalDistanceSum { get; set; } 
    /// The distance between LeftChild and RightChild. 
    public double BetweenDistance { get; set; } 

    /// Flag wheter this is a node or a leaf. 
    public bool IsLeaf { get; set; } 
    /// Left child of this non-leaf node. 
    public Node LeftChild { get; set; } 
    /// Right child of this non-leaf node. 
    public Node RightChild { get; set; } 

    /// Calculates the distance between two point along the path. 'start' is inclusive. 'end' is exclusive. 
    public double DistanceSum(int start, int end) 
     if (IsLeaf || start >= LeafCount || end < 0 || start >= end) 
      return 0; 

     if (end > LeafCount) end = LeafCount; 
     if (start < 0) start = 0; 

     if (start == 0 && end == LeafCount) 
      return TotalDistanceSum; 

     int n = LeftChild.LeafCount; 
     return LeftChild.DistanceSum(start, end) 
      + BetweenDistance 
      + RightChild.DistanceSum(start - n, end - n); 

public class Point 
    public double X { get; private set; } 
    public double Y { get; private set; } 

    public Point(double x, double y) 
     X = x; 
     Y = y; 

    public double DistanceTo(Point other) 
     double dx = other.X - X; 
     double dy = other.Y - Y; 
     return Math.Sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy); 


var tree = new Node(
    new Node(
     new Node(new Point(0,0)), 
     new Node(new Point(1,0)) 
    new Node(
     new Node(new Point(1,1)), 
     new Node(new Point(0,1)) 
double dist = tree.DistanceSum(0,4); // returns 3.0 

雖然這看起來很巧妙,它現在對我來說有點太超前了。 ..我不得不看看這個片刻,但「自平衡樹」這個詞聽起來像是我認爲是這樣的地理空間最好的方式(當然還有KD樹) 。謝謝你! – heltonbiker


自平衡僅用於確保每次操作都存在最差情況的O(log n)時間。如果樹被傾斜到一個鏈表中,它會使操作的最壞情況O(n)時間。它會在沒有自我平衡的情況下正常工作,但並不總是如此有效。 –


如果沒有自我平衡,您可以從每一半節點遞歸創建一棵樹,並將它們組合成一棵樹。這會給你一個初始平衡的樹。隨着時間的推移,樹可能會偏斜。 –