2011-10-09 16 views


#wordcount.pl FILE 

    #if no filename is given, print help and exit 
    if (length($ARGV[0]) < 1) 
      print "Usage is : words.pl word filename\n"; 

    my $file = $ARGV[0];   #filename given in commandline 

    open(FILE, $file);   #open the mentioned filename 
    while(<FILE>)     #continue reading until the file ends 
      tr/A-Z/a-z/;   #convert all upper case words to lower case 
      tr/.,:;!?"(){}//d;   #remove some common punctuation symbols 
      #We are creating a hash with the word as the key. 
      #Each time a word is encountered, its hash is incremented by 1. 
      #If the count for a word is 1, it is a new distinct word. 
      #We keep track of the number of words parsed so far. 
      #We also keep track of the no. of words of a particular length. 

      foreach $wd (split) 
       if ($count{$wd} == 1) 

    #To print the distinct words and their frequency, 
    #we iterate over the hash containing the words and their count. 
    print "\nThe words and their frequency in the text is:\n"; 
    foreach $w (sort keys%count) 
     print "$w : $count{$w}\n"; 

    #For the word length and frequency we use the word length hash 
    print "The word length and frequency in the given text is:\n"; 
    foreach $w (sort keys%lcount) 
     print "$w : $lcount{$w}\n"; 

    print "There are $wcount words in the file.\n"; 
    print "There are $dcount distinct words in the file.\n"; 

    $ttratio = ($dcount/$wcount)*100;  #Calculating the type-token ratio. 

    print "The type-token ratio of the file is $ttratio.\n"; 


The words and their frequency in the text is: 
1949 : 1 
a : 1 
adopt : 1 
all : 2 
among : 1 
and : 8 
assembly : 1 
assuring : 1 
belief : 1 
citizens : 1 
constituent : 1 
constitute : 1 
The word length and frequency in the given text is: 
1 : 1 
10 : 5 
11 : 2 
12 : 2 
2 : 15 
3 : 18 
There are 85 words in the file. 
There are 61 distinct words in the file. 
The type-token ratio of the file is 71.7647058823529. 



根據您的使用情況報表,文件名是第二個參數。這與您的代碼相矛盾。 –


建議之一是:不要明確使用open。只需使用<>。 Perl會將ARGV中的每個參數解釋爲一個文件名,並且<>將從中讀取。 –


@WilliamPursell:是文件名是第二個參數.. – sriram




  • 包括在你的Perl腳本use strictuse warnings

  • 您的參數驗證不在測試應該測試的內容:(1)@ARGV中是否只有1個項目,以及(2)該項目是否是有效的文件名。

  • 儘管每個規則都有例外情況,但將<>的回報指定給指定變量而不是依靠$_通常是一種很好的做法。如果循環內的代碼可能需要使用Perl的結構之一是還依賴於$_(例如,mapgrep,或後修復for循環)

    while (my $line = <>){ 
  • Perl提供了內置尤爲如此-in函數(lc)爲小寫字符串。

  • 您正在行讀取循環內執行不必要的計算。如果你只是建立一個單詞的記錄,你將擁有所有你需要的信息。還要注意,Perl爲其大多數控制結構(for,while, if等)提供了一個單行表單,如下所示。

    while (my $line = <>){ 
        $words{$_} ++ for split /\s+/, $line; 
  • 然後,您可以使用單詞計算來計算您需要的其他信息。例如,唯一字的數量只是散列中的鍵的數量,字的總數是散列值的總和。

  • 字長的分佈可以計算如下:

    my %lengths; 
    $lengths{length $_} += $words{$_} for keys %words; 

後綴循環是語法中可憎的語言#1語法憎惡 – Nemo


ohhh!看起來像Perl cookbook類的例子:)我有一些疑問,'split */+ +,$ line;'$ words {$ _} ++'這到底是什麼?我無法弄清楚爲什麼在這種方式中使用'$ words {$ _}',究竟是什麼'$ _'? – sriram


@GroovyUser它只是'for(split/\ s + /,$ line){$ words {$ _} ++}'的縮寫形式,其中'$ _'是一個單獨的單詞。 – FMc


使用像你這樣的散列是一個很好的方式去做。解析文件的更多方法是使用帶有/ g標誌的正則表達式來讀取行中的單詞。 \w+表示一個或多個字母數字。

     my $wd = lc($1); 
