我是新手創建我的第一個應用程序,一些紅寶石愛好者告訴我,我的方法編碼哪裏效率不高。因爲進入一個乾淨的狀態需要很多工作,所以我想確保爲我做的更好。Rails最佳實踐 - 我可以使用很多「有很多」嗎?
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
# Offerers
has_many :ownerships, dependent: :destroy
has_many :owners, through: :ownerships,
source: :offerer
# Seekers
has_many :loans, dependent: :destroy
has_many :borrowers, through: :loans,
source: :seeker
# Owners
has_many :previous_ownerships, -> { where 'owning_date IS NOT NULL AND giving_date IS NOT NULL', agreed: true },
class_name: 'Ownership'
has_one :current_ownership, -> { where current: true, agreed: true },
class_name: 'Ownership'
has_many :next_ownerships, -> { where owning_date: nil, giving_date: nil },
class_name: 'Ownership'
has_many :previous_owners, through: :previous_ownerships,
source: :offerer
has_one :owner, through: :current_ownership,
source: :offerer
has_many :next_owners, through: :next_ownerships,
source: :offerer
# Borrowers
has_many :previous_loans, -> { where 'return_date IS NOT NULL AND borrowing_date IS NOT NULL', agreed: true },
class_name: 'Loan'
has_one :current_loan, -> { where current: true, agreed: true },
class_name: 'Loan'
has_many :next_loans, -> { where borrowing_date: nil, return_date: nil },
class_name: 'Loan'
has_many :previous_borrowers, through: :previous_loans,
source: :seeker
has_many :next_borrowers, through: :next_loans,
source: :seeker
has_one :borrower, through: :current_loan,
source: :seeker
# Agreed or refused owners
has_many :agreed_ownerships, -> { where agreed: true, owning_date: nil, giving_date: nil },
class_name: 'Ownership'
has_many :possible_ownerships, -> { where agreed: nil, owning_date: nil, giving_date: nil },
class_name: 'Ownership'
has_many :refused_ownerships, -> { where agreed: false, owning_date: nil, giving_date: nil },
class_name: 'Ownership'
has_many :agreed_owners, through: :agreed_ownerships,
source: :offerer
has_many :possible_owners, through: :possible_ownerships,
source: :offerer
has_many :refused_owners, through: :refused_ownerships,
source: :offerer
# Agreed or refused borrowers
has_many :agreed_loans, -> { where agreed: true, borrowing_date: nil, return_date: nil },
class_name: 'Loan'
has_many :possible_loans, -> { where agreed: nil, borrowing_date: nil, return_date: nil },
class_name: 'Loan'
has_many :refused_loans, -> { where agreed: false, borrowing_date: nil, return_date: nil },
class_name: 'Loan'
has_many :agreed_borrowers, through: :agreed_loans,
source: :seeker
has_many :possible_borrowers, through: :possible_loans,
source: :seeker
has_many :refused_borrowers, through: :refused_loans,
source: :seeker
謝謝!如果我想獲得我的產品的關聯用戶,我該怎麼辦? Product.first.loans.current.borrowers是否可以工作? –
只要您的所有關係和範圍都以良好的導軌方式定義,就應該這樣做。搏一搏! – Matt
不,它不起作用...'Product.first.loans.current'發送一個'loan'數組,因此我不能使用僅適用於一個對象的鏈式方法... –