我想排序點的列表,以便所有的點都是爲了形成一個路徑。到目前爲止,我所做的是計算列表中所有點的中心點,然後使用基於排序完成的代碼this post。這裏是借來的代碼片段:
public int Compare(Point3D pointA, Point3D pointB)
if (pointA.X - CenterPoint.X >= 0 && pointB.X - CenterPoint.X < 0)
return 1;
if (pointA.X - CenterPoint.X < 0 && pointB.X - CenterPoint.X >= 0)
return -1;
if (pointA.X - CenterPoint.X == 0 && pointB.X - CenterPoint.X == 0)
if (pointA.Y - CenterPoint.Y >= 0 || pointB.Y - CenterPoint.Y >= 0)
if (pointA.Y > pointB.Y)
return 1;
else return -1;
if (pointB.Y > pointA.Y)
return 1;
else return -1;
// compute the cross product of vectors (CenterPoint -> a) x (CenterPoint -> b)
double det = (pointA.X - CenterPoint.X)*(pointB.Y - CenterPoint.Y) -
(pointB.X - CenterPoint.X)*(pointA.Y - CenterPoint.Y);
if (det < 0)
return 1;
if (det > 0)
return -1;
// points a and b are on the same line from the CenterPoint
// check which point is closer to the CenterPoint
double d1 = (pointA.X - CenterPoint.X)*(pointA.X - CenterPoint.X) +
(pointA.Y - CenterPoint.Y)*(pointA.Y - CenterPoint.Y);
double d2 = (pointB.X - CenterPoint.X)*(pointB.X - CenterPoint.X) +
(pointB.Y - CenterPoint.Y)*(pointB.Y - CenterPoint.Y);
if (d1 > d2)
return 1;
else return -1;
我認爲這將是有趣的添加到您的照片計算的中心點的位置 – pm100
您的主要任務是什麼? – gabba
我有一個點的列表,並希望通過這些點繪製路徑。不幸的是他們沒有排序並給出不正確的結果。所以我試圖自己分類。 @gabba – niks