2013-12-10 49 views
SYS_EXIT equ 1 
SYS_READ equ 3 
SYS_WRITE equ 4 
STDIN  equ 0 
STDOUT equ 1 

segment .data 

    msg1 db "Enter two digits: ", 0xA,0xD 
    len1 equ $- msg1 

    msg2 db "Result: ", 0xA,0xD 
    len2 equ $- msg2 

segment .bss 

    num1 resb 1 
    num2 resb 1 
    res resb 1 

segment .text 
    global _start 
    ; disp msg 
    mov eax, SYS_WRITE   
    mov ebx, STDOUT   
    mov ecx, msg1   
    mov edx, len1 
    int 0x80 

    ; enter num1 
    mov eax, SYS_READ 
    mov ebx, STDIN 
    mov ecx, num1 
    mov edx, 2 
    int 0x80 

    ; print num1 
    mov eax, SYS_WRITE   
    mov ebx, STDOUT   
    mov ecx, num1   
    mov edx, 2 
    int 0x80 

    ; enter num2 
    mov eax, SYS_READ 
    mov ebx, STDIN 
    mov ecx, num2 
    mov edx, 2 
    int 0x80 

    ; print num2 
    mov eax, SYS_WRITE   
    mov ebx, STDOUT   
    mov ecx, num2   
    mov edx, 2 
    int 0x80 

    ; move first to eax, second to ebx 
    mov eax, num1 
    sub eax, byte '0' 
    mov ebx, num2 
    sub ebx, byte '0' 

    ; or them and store the result in eax, and then eax in res 
    or eax, ebx 
    add eax, byte '0' 
    mov [res], eax 

    ; disp result msg 
    mov eax, SYS_WRITE   
    mov ebx, STDOUT   
    mov ecx, msg2   
    mov edx, len2 
    int 0x80 

    ; write result 
    mov eax, SYS_WRITE   
    mov ebx, STDOUT   
    mov ecx, res   
    mov edx, 1 
    int 0x80 
    mov eax,1    ;system call number (sys_exit) 
    int 0x80    ;call kernel 



你不能用'RESB 1'對於打算持有超過1個字節(如'num1','num2'和'水庫東西')。 – Michael


我打算讓他們保存一個字節,因爲我希望他們是一個字符/數字。 – Swarage


那麼,你的代碼另有說明。例如:'mov [res],eax' – Michael



[問題解決了]我不得不改變mov eax, num1mov eax, [num1]
