我試圖問我的問題之前,但我認爲我問我的問題的方式是不正確的。所以我想在這裏再次:(我仍然不知道是什麼主題將是合適的)從提升檢索對象:: variant
typedef boost::variant<point, Line, Vertex> vec_variant;
typedef std::vector<vec_variant> vec;
在我寫我的功能,使得依賴於它返回點,線的情況下, 頂點或甚至它們的組合。
vec my_func::select_T(const mesh::section& s, const char* model) const
vec new_vec;
//loop over my lines
else if (strcmp(model , "Line") == 0)
for(section::lineIterator ite = s.beginLine(); ite != s.endLine(); ++ite)
Line ed = *ite;
Point p0 = ed.point(0);
Point p1 = ed.point(1);
Point p0_modified (/* some modification */ );
Point p1_modified (/* some modification */ );
if(/* some other conditions */)
new_vec.push_back(p0_modified); //note before pushing back any point
new_vec.push_back(p1_modified); //first I pushed back line
else if (/* some other conditions */)
vertex m = .......;
new_vec.push_back(m); //note before pushing back any point
//first I pushed back line
return new_vec;
所以在最後,我們可能有這樣的事情{版,p0_modified,p0_modified,編輯,女編輯,女編輯,p0_modified,p0_modified,編輯,男,...} { 線,點,點,線,頂點,線,頂點,線,點,點,線,頂點,...}
first I defined a visitor:
template<typename T>
struct T_visitor : public boost::static_visitor<>
T_visitor(std::vector<T>& v) : zeroVector(v) {}
template<typename U>
void operator() (const U&) {}
void operator() (const T& value)
std::vector<T>& zeroVector;
void func_2(/*......*/)
. //we can use above visitor to store each type (point, line, Vertex) in vactor<point or line or Vertex)
. //we do not know what the new_vec is at the end of the loop. the only thing we know is that after each line there
. //would be either two points or one vertex
const char *model = "Edge";
.//How to find line ed and corresponded points?
create_line(Point& p0_modified, Point& p1_modified, Line& ed); //two modified points and line
.//How to find point m and corresponded line?
create_point(m(0), m(1), m(2), Line& ed); //point m coordinates and line
或'typedef boost :: variant,Vertex> AfterLine; struct LineWithAfter {Line line; AfterLine之後; }'。 –
@ Sebastian Redl,謝謝,我試圖這樣做。 –